[color=92278f][h3][center]~Isurta~[/center][/h3][/color] [@Wasted Ink] [@Duoya] [hr] As she was just about to get to hunting with brother Xaal, brother Kishi decided to join them carrying some very interesting...tools with them. Spears it looked like. Was that what they were called? Whatever, they looked like very effective stabby weapons. Perhaps a bit awkward to use without a bit of training, but with a bit of practice using one well would be easy enough, and what better way to get a feel for something than by using it in a practical scenario? This would be a good test run, yep. [color=007236]"W-wait! Let me come with you guys! I... I can help you! I have weapons, and we can watch each others backs!... Sorry if I'm coming on strong, I'm just really hungry... You guys have any leftover grubs you don't want?"[/color] [color=92278f]"Hehe, of course you can join use Brother Kish."[/color] She giggled. [color=92278f]"We can share the spoils among ourselves!"[/color] She wasn't too concerned with Brother Lothar's assessment that they needed to immediately scout the area. Certainly it would be a good idea to get to know the land immediately around them, but on an empty stomach? No, you were just asking to get in trouble. First food, then scouting and discovery. Knowledge was power, but knowledge was useless if you were to weak to properly use it. [color=92278f]"Thanks for the weapon Kish!"[/color] She replied, taking one of the spears for herself. She ran her hand along the haft of the crude weapon, admiring its crude craftsmanship, trying to take in every detail she could and already imagining all the applications and ways she might be able to maneuver the weapon in order to use it effectively. Even a crude weapon as this could be deadly if used right...but her body was small and weak. She would need to fix that as soon as she could. Before she could think much more though, Brother Xaal quieted himself and the reason why became readily apparent. What could only be a horned rabbit was standing before them not too far into the underbrush. Isurta's eyes sparkled as she saw the horn adorning the rabbits head. It was certainly something that would be useful. She wanted it. It would make for a nice stabby weapon. She wouldn't be the only one who would want it though. Chances were, Xaal wanted it as well...hm. Well, she'd be satisfied with only the food for now if someone beat her to it. She'd hunt her own later when she was off exploring. [color=92278f]"Hmhm..."[/color] She hummed quietly to herself, crouching next to Xaal, resting the butt of her spear on the ground as she observed the rabbit. She wasn't particularly strategically inclined, but she knew attacking head on at the moment would be pure folly. The spears had range over the rabbit, but their skill at using them was something that left much to be desired. [color=92278f]"How are we gonna do it?"[/color] She asked after he asked if they were ready, muscles in her legs tensing. She was ready to pounce at a moments notice, and likely would faster than Xaal as well. She was confident in her agility for the moment. [color=92278f]"I don't think I'd be fast enough to get it on my own."[/color] She hummed, tilting her head curiously to the side as she observed the rabbit, attempting to study it the best she could from a distance. [color=92278f]"If one of you distract it for me, I could leap on it from behind."[/color]