[@POOHEAD189] - If you are having trouble with a backstory, how about this: Raurfen was an Andoran soldier, enlisted as part of the Ten Nations Concord against the Aiel. He left behind his wife and kids to fight this war. It was during this campaign that he first figures out that he can talk to wolves. Probably he meets a fellow wolfbrother and learns, or maybe he picks it up on his own. He returns home to find his wife scared of him. Even his kid looks at him like a stranger because of his yellow eyes. People whisper that he is a Darkfriend. Someone paints the Dragon Fang on his door. He is forced to flee his home. He lives wild, trying to get his wife and kid back. But they are too scared to come back with him. He tries repeatedly to get back in town. Finally, he is caught by a Whitecloak patrol. In the ensuing battle, he kills two whitecloaks with his bare hands in his frenzy. After being captured, the Whitecloaks make a public execution spectacle. To Raurfen's final shock, his wife and kid are there, denouncing him with the rest. In anger and sadness, he manages to escape after a daring fight. He kills three more whitecloaks before leaving the town. Stories of his escape are still spoken with awe in the town. Meanwhile, he heads into the woods, grief threatening to engulf him. It is at this time that he hears of the Great Hunt - a purpose to fill his empty life. So he heads to Illian, to try and save whatever humanity he can in him. Secretly, he also seeks a cure for his 'ailment'. He wants to be normal again, to watch his kid grow up. [@Eklispe] - the skill points you received are for first level only. With every level, you will gain skill points dependent upon your class and your intelligence modifier. The more intelligent you are, the faster you can learn new skills.