[quote=@Tengri] [@Liliya] No love for Net, eh? [/quote] Well, okay, I know it's established that she asked him out and he like straight up meanly rejected her. I mean, not because he meant to be a dick, just because he's super awkward, but I doubt she'd be aces about the whole thing and pick up on him or whatever in the future. She definitely looks at the fan made Polaris/Network shipart in secret, though. EDIT: Oh, me personally, as a ship thing? I guess I'd ship Network and Swarm as this totally awkward couple who are just like, awfully, painfully lame. Like, they just can't pick up on each other to save their lives. One would make like a clumsy move or whatever, and the other one's just like, "I have to go clean my bugs!" and just runs off, leaving the other super confused like, "Der, what'd I do?" or like Swarm touches Rob's arm or something, and he like ninja flips over her backwards like "HIYAHHHAHAHA!" and breaks the lamp, like zero chill. [@Tengri]