Hi Guys, just thought I'd let you know what's going down. I've been very stressed recently dealing with real life. Nothing bad has happened; quite the contrary really. I'm now working full time as opposed to casual and my diet and exercise regime is going very well. Unfortunately, this new change in lifestyle is a little hard for me to adapt to at the moment. With all the time I spend at work, meal prepping, exercising and completing any chores; I am finding very little time to RP. It's not that there isn't time, it's just that I haven't yet learnt to do everything I need to do as efficiently as possible. This has lead me to feeling very overwhelmed as I'm constantly worrying about keeping people waiting on replies. The stress is getting to me and so I've decided that I want to take a big step back for the rest of the work year. My last work day is on the 16th of December. I do apologise for how sudden this is, but I really believe taking this break for a few weeks until the Christmas Holidays would be the best thing for me. As for the Roleplay, I'll leave it up to you guys to decide what you want to do. A few options are; 1) We also put the Roleplay on Hiatus until the 16th, freezing everything until I can come back on the holidays. 2) I can assign 2 Co-GM's to look after things for the time I'm gone. Even though I won't be able to RP, I can still check the guild during my Lunch Break and any brief spare time I have in the evening. I'll still be around and able to answer any questions, but as of today there will be no more IC posts from me until the 16th of December. Thank you very much for being so understanding; please let me know which option you'd prefer for the ROleplay.