No? I still mean to keep playing the first one... heard it was good. I gots me Battlefield 1 recently. If anyone is thinking of getting it... do it. (The Starwars battlefront game was so bad I wish I never paid them a damn penny. I'd have been happier if they'd just realised SW:Battlefront 2 again... No updates no nothing. That game was superior in every single way (sounds and graphics aside)). But Battlefield 1, as someone who didn't play any of the other ones (modern warfare games...yawn... give me a bolt action anyday over all the machineguns... though that being said, Battlefield 1 has more machineguns that a WW1 game ever should... thinking about it unless you're a sniper you can't even get a bolt action weapon... so yeah... actually nvm. Its good and a fun game, but....) Don't buy an EA game ever. EVER. Did you know they started the DLC/Addon/be stupid and pay us all of your money like a fool craze that games are so into at the moment? The pay to win craze too. Battlefield bad company 1 was the first game to do it... Guns that were already on the disk but you had to pay money to unlock them. EA and Fox ruin all the most beautiful things... I had a drink or five at lunch... is it obvious? I wish I didn't have to be at work still for the next 3hrs and 16mins...