[b][center]Shiro Nagakura[/b][/center] [center]Training Field E[/center] From the sudden underground surprise, Shiro involuntarily took a weaving step backwards, aiming to get away from the creature that loomed the underworlds. His hands were prepared to strike before he noticed what stood before him. Suddenly, his palm was grasped firmly and started to shake simultaneously with the creature, who, wasn't really a creature at all. At first it seemed like so, due to the sudden 'attack', but once the conflict stopped escalating, it was clear the 'creature' was actually a young girl. As she let go of his hand and started back flipping away, Shiro's eyes became bored. He was thinking to himself, "What's up with this chick? She's freaken' nuts!" She had stated they were teammates and that their Sensei would arrive late due to some family matters, something about.........a daughter? Ugh, who knows, Shiro wasn't really paying attention to her speaking, he was distracted by her active movements and behavior. Sadly, this was the type of person Shiro disliked, those people who are always smiling and hyperactive, as if there wasn't any problems in their life, when deep down, they were most likely the most conflicted. Only time Shiro is truly active is when he's on the field, working his butt off to become the best, otherwise, he's most likely acting a lazy bum. To top the entire situation off, the girl, Yoshi......kurasai.......something, vanished into the ground once more. She was like a star nosed mole rat, digging around the ground and enjoying the darkness. It was creepy. Without further adieu, Shiro leaned onto a nearby tree, protecting himself from the rain. "I'm Shiro Nagakura by the way" he calmly stated. He then wondered where his other team member was. Aren't there suppose to be three to a team? But if not, Shiro didn't mind. The less 'hyperactive' people he had to put up with the better. It wasn't that he was a depressing person, he was just too lazy to actually meet his teammates rate of joy.