[@DriveEMOut][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Amithea] [color=ed145b]~"Mmm yes, it is quite the oddity."~[/color] Claudia agreed nodding to the [i]extravagantly[/i] dressed fellow. [color=ed145b]~"But the place is rather charming, if I do say so myself."~[/color] She turned toward the elegant [url=https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/victorian-mansion-26476983.jpg]Victorian mansion[/url] standing before them. Claudia wasn't too certain who, or possibly what, brought these strangers together here, but at least they had nice tastes. It stood tall and proud, like the majestic castles of Olde England, amidst the beautiful countryside, well...most of it beautiful aside from the forest of withered and gnarled rooted trees that encompassed much of it. Claudia yawned giving a light stretch. [color=ed145b]~"This has been all and well, my dears, but I believe I must retire for the evening. It's getting late."~[/color] And with that, she turned on her heels and casually walked towards the mansion, all the while happily humming to herself and swaying her hips. She paused at the door however, a sly smirk creeping as she glanced over her shoulder at the three. [color=ed145b]~"You know....I wouldn't be surprised if one of you cheeky little things had something to do with this. [i]C'est la vie."~[/i][/color] She jested with a giggle then slipped through the door.