[color=D6CC88]Cecil finally got the child to let go, but she immediately went to Ethan instead, slipping her hand into his and gripping it tightly. The other Ydrans had split off by then, and it was time for the motley group to be leaving as well. Wyth followed them at a reduced pace, but they'd slowed down as well, so he could keep up without too much difficulty. Their first stop was an herbalist, and the moorcat sneezed loudly as the wave of odors hit him. That made Amuné crack a very weak smile, the first sign of any positive emotion she'd shown since her capture. Wyth behaved himself while the healer treated him, though he still snarled or hissed when they touched a particularly painful spot. His girl held his head and ran her fingers through the fur on his scalp and shoulders, murmuring a stream of soothing words and praising his patience. He was such a good boy. The girl couldn't quite bring herself to talk to the old lady that helped them, nor her assistance, but she did give them a nod and an unsteady smile in thanks, when it was time to leave. when they returned to the cart, Wyth jumped into the cart without prompting. Nor did he seem to object to Cecil's proximity, which was a marked difference from before. But the boy with the strange smell had helped his girl, and she approved of him now, and thus so did Wyth. Amuné had long since stopped crying, and her eyes were only a little red. She let Ethan help her onto their horse's back, and once he mounted behind her she leaned against him, pulling one of his arms around her. She needed the touch to feel properly safe, just then. She heard the Muran say something quietly under his breath. Was Cedric the man he'd mentioned, the one that he'd intended to meet? Probably. She was sure Ethan would find him eventually, just like she was going to find her mommy and daddy. Then everything would be okay.[/color]