The taste of copper in Asta's mouth was strong as they left the slavers' warehouse. Her blade was now sheathed upon her back as they made their way to the herbalist, chit-chatting and focusing on recovery. The Ydran didn't talk very much to the others, she was focused on keeping her shoulder steady, her abdomen had stopped bleeding - the injury there had been more superficial than anything, thankfully, but the swelling of her jaw and shoulder injury were rather bothersome. The group was directed to Nan's, an old shop run by a knowledgeable and talented healer. Myria seemed to be doing better, but they still wrapped her ankle and made note of her bruised side. Asta, on the other hand, received a shoulder wrapping on her left side and a cold pack - some kind of strange packet that was able to retain a cool temperature for long periods of time. The Ydran cared not how it worked, but it soothed her jaw and that's what mattered. Any who saw her bare arm would notice the cobra fox tattoo, but it was soon covered again. The time to separate was coming quickly, but Asta was quickly realizing the upsides to tagging along with this group - this could be her chance to step out from under her previous line of employment. She wished that she had seen it sooner - the evil this job could bring, but instead she was focused on living a life of her own. Asta's desire to escape the arena lead her down a darker path, one where her opponents were entirely unaware that they were even at battle in the first place. While at the herbalist, Asta found a moment to speak with Ethan about staying with them - she was looking to move on from this place and find something new so they agreed to allow her along. It didn't seem like Nymira was particularly in favour of the choice, but there was little she could do about it. Asta took her place inside the cart, Myria dutifully taking a place beside her. She looked at the boy from before, the one who had come crashing through the roof so loudly. He was a strange one, but who was she to judge? Her gaze moved to the horse pulling the cart to see Nymira, still recovering from her injuries. The small girl looked a little bit out of place on such a large beast, and hardly at home. Perhaps she wasn't much of an equestrian, though why she would decide to try leading or riding atop the horse was beyond the Ydran's perception. She leaned back, rotating her good shoulder, "So... where are we off to next..?" She asked aloud, still not entirely clued into the plan or mission she was suddenly on board to help with.