[quote=@LegionPothIX] I was just thinking to myself "she's very Scottish" and couldn't find too much info regarding what the European nations became. How primitive are you talkin'? Because I'm talking about witches, druids, and shamanisim; in addition to a bunch of other "non-western" religions. Allowing a multi-religious witch to be a community leader might require some broken down community to live in. [/quote] I'm not saying you said anything to the contrary, I'm just wanting to clear that up. So her best bet to get noticed to get aboard the Ark is to at some point or other have contact with some relief work. Scottish works really well for the setting, especially with the highlands. If she's united a group of people from different settlements and has a knowledge of things that would work. Be interesting to see how she adjusted to ship living, where there is less stress on religion and she doesn't have the same influence.