[@Mr Allen J] Anime/Manga. [@CallSignCorsair][@Spinosaurus] Yeah, thanks guys, but I already planned on using that. I was just asking for suggestions to get an idea on what you guys would like. [@Wasted Ink][@CallSignCorsair][@Dulcet][@Mr Allen J][@Spinosaurus][@FallenTrinity][@Tengri][@GamerXZ][@malmshodes][@December][@PatrickDrummer] The setting of the story will take place in the City of Okahame. The specifics and details of the city will be fleshed out throughout the RP. And a little bit more from time to time. As long as it makes sense, anyone can suggest for locations and whatnot. [HIDER][CENTER][img]http://i.imgur.com/KIU4KX0.png[/img] Okahame is a large sprawling city divided up into three major sections. The easternmost section is called Rise, the center section if known as Noon, and the westernmost section is called Fall. Each section is comprised of smaller districts, each of which have names the locals use, but generally they are referred to simply by number. From one through to five. So, "I'm heading off to Fifth Noon." is a common saying. There is also Outlands, which is the name of all the parts of the city that have sprawled past the boundaries of the original plans. The Outlands pretty much surround the sections on all sides. There have been talks and petitions to try and officially name it something more in keeping with the cities 'sunlight' theme[/CENTER][/HIDER] As for the CS, here you go. Please follow the code is a basic prerequisite for CS reviews; if its messy and not neat, I'm not gonna check it out. Character reviews as well as power assignment will be done via PM. [b]Character Sheet[/b] [HIDER][b]Name:[/b] [b]Alias:[/b] Your character has only just come into their powers, they most likely will not have one yet unless they already showed the world [b]Age:[/b] Any age you want. You will be forced to roleplay it legit if you pick a toddler or a geriatric [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] Image and/or description. Illustrations are preferably anime/manga. [b]Biography:[/b] As long or as short as you would like. Not everyone is an orphan or the child of famous scientists. [b]Super Powers:[/b] [/HIDER]