[hider=Jethro Pritchard, The Artist] [center][h3][u][b]The Artist[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Jethro Pritchard [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 41 [b]Appearance:[/b] A tall and thin man with fair skin, shortcut black hair (which is greying a bit) and a stubbly salt-and-pepper beard. Has a square jaw, with undeniable hardness to his face and oval-shaped eyes. His eyes are also different colors, the left one being dark blue and the right being green. Usually wears a waistcoat, shirt and slacks combo underneath a dark brown coat that goes down to a little bit above his knees. [b]Skills:[/b] Has almost no combat abilities, as he prefers to talk his way out of trouble, sneak away, or just not get into trouble at all. [b]Powers:[/b] [url=http://dishonored.wikia.com/wiki/Blink][b]Blink[/b][/url] (Dishonored version, with the only upgrade being for better distance) [url=http://dishonored.wikia.com/wiki/Doppelg%C3%A4nger]Doppelganger[/url] [url=http://dishonored.wikia.com/wiki/Void_Gaze]Void Gaze[/url] [url=http://dishonored.wikia.com/wiki/Bend_Time]Bend Time[/url] (Dishonored version, with the only upgrade being stop time) (Original Power Time!) Bloodfly Swarm - Jethro summons a swarm of bloodflies, which promptly begin to kill anyone in their path, be they friend or foe. Can be upgraded for either a larger swarm or so it will only attack enemies. [b]Bio:[/b] When Jethro was a young boy, he got a few pens and some paper and began drawing. And he drew a lot. When he wasn't drawing, he would also tinker with things. This time spent drawing honed his artistic skills and the time spent tinkering honed his inventing skills, and as a young man he rose quickly in the art and industrial world for his painting and sketches and various contraptions, and was almost as well known as Anton Sokolov. He was even allowed to paint the portrait of Emperor Samuel when he was still in power. But, as always, all good things must come to an end. One day, a man, named Archibald Harrington, came forward and claimed that [i]he[/i] had painted all of Jethro's paintings, and that Jethro was making a profit off of his hard work. This, of course, was not true, but the man took Jethro to court and sued him. Jethro thought the man would lose and it would all go back to normal. So soon enough the trials came. Harrington had forged evidence, bribed some of Jethro's 'friends' to testify against him and had a great lawyer. And so he won. He took all of Jethro's belongings save for some personal things. Jethro was dishonored, his home and friends gone from his life, all willing to let him rot in the poor districts while an imposter took his place. And now, with the powers gifted to him by the Outsider, he can have revenge and take his place back from Harrington... And maybe take revenge on the so called 'friends' who sold him out along the way.[/center] [/hider]