[@Jangel13] [@December] [@Heyitsjiwon] [hr] [color=aba000]"Don't let us get hurt."[/color] Stegs hoped that was possible, but he felt like it wouldn't be too smart to tell Skubli that he wasn't sure he could any injuries to them [color=39b54a]"Just mak sure not to make me fight to long without help."[/color] Using the large rocks as cover he sneaked up on the Horned Rabbit. Despite not knowing the dangers the pebbles could offer Stegs felt like it wouldn't be smart to just walk up to their prey, after all it spotted him it might run away. He had to act in such a way that it would be impossible for the rabbit to have time to run. The rocks he had been using as cover gave him an idea, an idea that any experienced fighter would consider reckless given the large horn he could be jumping into. However seeing as the Goblin wasn't an experienced fighter he went through with it. He climbed one of the rocks and jumped towards the rabbit, swinging his stick down to give his potential hit more force.