[@TheHangedMan] [@Eklispe] The eggs wouldn't really give any kind of response. The eggs would be warm to the touch of course. They would feel their connection to their dragons deeply though contact with it. Charles would begin setting up a lot more targets for them to practice against when they finished with their eggs. When they would arrive he'd chuckle "I'm going to teach you the other ball techniques today" he would tell them. "The name of each technique, Fireball, Waterball, SandBall, Breezeball" he would tell them "The chant is mostly the same as the one for fire just change the element part and the spell name" he tells them. "Manually changing the elements is the hardest part so that's why it's best to use the chant version to get a feel of it before you start to do the nonchant version since it's harder" he states to them, things his said before. "I want you to fire at lest five of each type of ball spell at the targets before we move on"