[center][img]http://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1399181944r/9518928.jpg[/img][h1][i][color=palevioletred]Claudia Aluredes[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@Wick][/sub][/center] Claudia ran out of the house the same time Alex did when Kitty screamed. But when they got there, it was too late. There was nothing left of Kitty to save. Claudia sensed at least two more wolves nearby. She sniffed the air. Young and untrained. Probably a small rogue pack. Her eyes immediately changed from blue to gold as she watched Alex kill the wolf that tore into his childe. Her heart pounded hard against her chest as she felt the change happen. Claudia has always been affected by acts of violence particularly if it involved vampires. But this time it was different. This time she felt that unshakable need to protect what was hers despite knowing that Alex can protect himself even without her. A low growl escaped her throat as she burst out of the black leather clothes she had taken earlier, a huge mass of black fur, muscles, deadly claws and very sharp teeth. She took a quick glance at Alex before she shot out towards the trees and into the darkness. It didn't take long for Claudia to locate the two young werewolves. Turned only on the last full moon, they had succumbed to the rage and both were clawing and biting at each other in the clearing. They were humanoid type of werewolves and by the way they moved, it was obvious that they had no control over their new forms. With no one to guide them, they were a liability. Both snarled at her when she stepped out into the clearing. As both werewolves attacked, Claudia proved to be superior. With faster reflexes, she was able to bring down one of them. But the second one was more feral and was able to get a good bite out of her hind leg. She howled in pain but was relentless in her attacks until it too collapsed at her feet. In the glow of the moonlight, the two werewolves reverted to their human forms. Teenagers. A male and a female, barely her age when she had changed. But these two didn't have Caius to guide them. And as she stood there, looking down at their lifeless bodies, she felt a great sorrow settle over her. She killed her own kind. It was a necessity but it didn't relieve the sadness that permeated her whole being. She pulled back her head and howled to the moon.