This archetype is not a new concept, not by a long shot really, but it is one that I had seen lacking at tables for years. Now, I say this in particular because of the approach that seems to be initially given here with overtly aiming at a tabletop game, but I mean in general. If I have to write or roll a character, this is going to be my approach. I prefer the more savage things in life, where nature is both equally a beautiful and terrifying thing to behold; I get along better with big cats than I do with people, for example. I explicitly write my characters off that method of thought to varying degrees no matter what, some more human than others, but one archetype for the life of me I cannot get a group at an actual table to go with is the "knight of the wild". It is not a complicated effort either - we are not talking wizard or cleric levels of spellcasting prowess, we are talking about a druid-paladin type that is not outright horrible at doing its job. There's the issue of roleplaying and [i]rollplaying[/i], with the latter being the one that up until recently was a losing battle for me; the game mechanics just did not mesh and the authors hadn't put much stock in the concept, [i]ever[/i]. I wrote a class to deal with it, play tested it many times over, had some people with real system mastery and optimization look it over, let some of the roleplay-only types iron out what they thought did or didn't make sense, employed it a few more times in tests and... still cannot find anyone to use it. For lack of better description, it was the [i]Oath of the Ancients[/i] paladin before that was even a thing, but who am I to complain? Ideologically and thematically they are virtually identical, despite edition differences, and that's what I want to portray as a character above much else. Changing topics very slightly roleplaying, especially written, is the easy aspect from my experience or at least easier than convincing Dungeon Masters I do not know that I am not some munchkin and that my work is well researched. I can just write how and why characters can do what they do, I can get into that persona and identity, I can portray it better than the dice and or rules want to participate with it. No issues there merging and melding those into being elaborate or what I think are interesting. For how similar my characters might be, some vein stained red, I believe them all very different.