[@A Tattooed Girl] Sent this to you in a PM but posting it here as well, just in case :) *** [center][h1][color=deeppink]Juliette Rivers[/color][/h1] [hr] [IMG]http://www.1meee.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Barbara_Palvin_1.jpg[/IMG] [hr] “Being creative is much more valuable than being cool” - Juliette Rivers. [hr] [h3] General [/h3][/center] [color=deeppink]|| NAME ||[/color] [indent]Juliette Flora Rivers[/indent] [color=deeppink]|| GENDER ||[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=deeppink] || AGE ||[/color] [indent]16. [/indent] [color=deeppink] ]|| GRADE ||[/color] [indent]Tenth[/indent] [color=deeppink] ]|| SEXUALITY ||[/color] [indent]Straight[/indent] [color=deeppink] ]|| RELATIONSHIP STATUS ||[/color] [indent]Single[/indent] [color=deeppink] ]|| MORE IN-DEPTH APPEARANCE ||[/color] [indent]Light brown hair, blue eyes, slim figure, usually wears jeans and a paint splattered T Shirt. Fond of long flowy and loose shirts. She usually wears some eyeliner and pink lipgloss and that is it for her makeup routine. Likes to pair her clothing ensemble with her favorite brown leather boots or some worn down sneakers[/indent] [hr] [center][h3]Personality[/h3][/center] [color=deeppink] ]|| PERSONALITY TRAITS ||[/color] [indent] -Creative -Eccentric -Kind -Funny -Unique -Can be hot headed at times -Modest/Humble [/indent] [color=deeppink] ]|| PERSONALITY ||[/color] [indent]Juliette is viewed by her classmates as the eccentric, unique girl that brings life to the classroom. She’s also exasperatingly modest and humble and no matter how much people congratulate her on her art, her music, her writing she doesn’t get the slightest bit vain or snobby. At times she can be a bit hot headed as she does prefer people to appreciate each other for their own personalities and she hates it when everyone starts stereotyping each other. [/indent] [color=deeppink] ]|| QUIRKS ||[/color] [indent] -Likes to chew on her lips when she’s nervous. -Always keeps a pencil and an eraser in the pocket of her pants as well as stray bits of notebook paper to draw or write on. -Has a habit of tapping a song on a surface with her nails when she’s bored. [/indent] [color=deeppink]|| HOBBIES ||[/color] [indent] -Drawing -Song writing -Playing her guitar -Singing -Writing poetry -Contemporary dance[/indent] [color=deeppink]|| LIKES & DISLIKES ||[/color] [indent] +People with quirky personalities (this is exactly what she looks for in a guy by the way, someone kind with a quirky and weird but lovable personality) +Cheesy toast +Candy floss +Lame jokes. - Vain people -Stereotypes. -People who are bland (and therefore boring in her mind)[/indent] [hr] [center][h3]Life with Family[/h3][/center] [color=deeppink]|| FAMILY MEMBERS ||[/color] [indent]Adeline and Troy Rivers are her parents, her mother is a nurse at the hospital while her father is a movie soundtrack writer. Her older brother, Jay Rivers (First year in university) treats her wonderfully (though they do get in a few scuffles every now and then, actually scratch that, all the time)[/indent] [color=deeppink]|| HOUSE DESCRIPTION ||[/color] [indent]She has a very warm and quirky household. She also has a pet dog called Spots. Her family lives in an apartment. It’s a fairly nice apartment and they live on the third floor. The apartment is quite huge with lots of unique decor and has floor to ceiling windows everywhere. She usually spends her time in her room (It’s pained a purply grey and her bed is a four poster bed. She hangs up a lot of twinkly lights and pastes her best drawings, song lyrics and poems on the wall which result in a large collage of art everywhere.) [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/98/fc/07/98fc07fb39454e09e3fed8cb57ea96a0.jpg[/img][/indent] [color=deeppink]|| CAR DESCRIPTION ||[/color] [indent]An old pick up truck in grey. It has a few scratches on it but Juliette thinks that they add character. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1e/25/38/1e25388ae881fada5da9491542884b3f.jpg[/img][/indent] [hr] [center][h3]Finishing touches[/h3][/center] [color=deeppink]|| BIOGRAPHY ||[/color] [indent]Juliette’s life is mostly laid back. She has her hobbies and her parents are especially proud of her for being so talented. She loves her brother and looks up to him to no end. However, this laid back atmosphere ends at school. She hates people who stereotype other people and since this happens a lot she gets upset easily. Also she’s one who not many approach. Sure they can see her as a fun person and a friend but she’s never had many close relationships with anyone for a little while. She’s kind of scared that people are warded off by her too exuberant and fun attitude and tries to tone it down a bit even though she doesn’t have to. She longs for someone to actually develop a close relationship with her. Especially as a song writer and a poet she feels like she’s never had that feeling of love that famous singers or poets describe and she wants to see what that is like as well, to love someone. She’s willing to learn a lot more this new school year, make some close relationships and memories she won’t forget[/indent] [color=deeppink]|| THEME SONG ||[/color] [indent][url=*will add later, some problems with wifi*] Don’t Stop - Five Seconds of Summer[/url] [sub]Don't stop doing what you're doing Every time you move to the beat it gets harder for me And you know it, know it, know it Don't stop, 'cause you know that I like it Every time you walk in the room you got all eyes on you And you know it, know it, know it [/sub][/indent] [color=deeppink|| OTHER ||[/color] [indent] Nothing else.[/indent] [hr]