Name: Adrian Zhao Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance:[hider][img][/img][img][/img][/hider] Backstory: The first-born son of first-generation immigrant parents, Adrian is not a native of the state of Oregon. He was born in Los Angles, California, where his parents had the unfortunate circumstance of living in a rather poor district within the city. Adrian's parents were no strangers to poverty, having experienced much the same in lower-class China, but life was hard for them all the same. His father working two jobs and his mother working one as well just to keep bread on the table, Adrian has seen the arduous effort that his parents have put into providing for him and is determined to pay them back for their back-breaking labor. He buried himself into his school work, neglecting social endeavors in favor of increasing his class rank. Adrian soon rose to the top of his class, surpassing his fellow students with ease and out-pacing the provided material weeks in advance. The principle of his school so impressed with Adrian's seeming unconquerable drive to succeed, she understood that this top student had nothing left to learn at her school. Without his knowledge, the principle wrote a recommendation letter to a close friend of hers, a certain headmaster of a prestigious private school in Oregon, and near-begged him to offer Adrian a full-ride to their academic institution. It took until the end of Adrian's sophomore year, but the school finally yielded to the principle's request and sent Adrian an invitation to attend their academy. Though it was a great distance away, Adrian's parents fully supported the idea. With his parent's approval, the teenager packed up his meager possessions and boarded a flight to Oregon on his own. Rooming on location, Adrian is bound and determined to honor his parents faith in him at this new school. Notes: Adrian has yet to discover his power. However, it will manifest should he put in a dangerous situation. Power: Organic Exoskeleton Creation and Enhanced Speed