"H-hold on now, no need for guns friends." Mancini stammered. That in itself was uncharacteristic. A lieutenant of the Lazzari family threatened at gun-point, and he was still being civil? Why the sudden polite tone? "Who the fuck do you think you're pointing that pea-shooter at?" would've been more in-character for Mancini; someone who was universally considered to be up his own arse. "I can tell I've upset you," he added "I know you like to be proper with your ladies, you got a rep for it 'un all." Mancini took a few slow steps towards the girl. "I'm just gonna take the bag off, nice 'un slow, like..." He reached down, gripping hold of the old sack, and slowly lifted. The girl underneath was undeniably her sisters sister, even through all the blood and bruises.