More meat for the grinder! Howdy, [@Musaki Hajime], I'm Raven. The GM who started this RP has since gone on to travel the world and was not in any shape to continue running it for the past half a year. As such, I (as the co-gm) have taken over the role as defacto-GM of the thread (Zark is my unofficial co-gm). Alright, so... about this thread. If you're interested in joining, there's a few things you should know: 1) We would like at least a basic knowledge of VC lore (you seem like you've got this covered) 2) We're pretty laid back, but the basic rules apply: No god-moding (though the current battle is a special exemption), No insulting other players/the gm, Try to post at least 1-2 paragraphs, all that good stuff. I doubt this will be an issue, but we have had... notable exceptions in the past. Just don't be an asshole lol. 3) This RP is [i][b]very[/b][/i] slow paced. Everyone here is pretty busy with lives outside of the internet, so 2-3 day gaps between each post is the norm. Larger gaps (~20 days) have occured a couple times when things get really busy, but most people always return. We're just entering the 3rd year of this RP running, so I don't intend on letting it die any time soon. 4) If you ever decide you want to drop out (and that's ok, many people do), PLEASE. LET US. KNOW. Lots of people leave without saying a word, and that means I've got to try and track them down to figure out whats up. OK! I think that's that. If you're still interested, feel free to post a character sheet and we'll drop you in (and tell you what's going on, obviously). If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask. I don't bite (unless you're into that sorta thing).