[hider=Sheet] Name: Zamasp Titles: No formal titles exist besides the grandiose racial slurs along with the faltering titles given by the various survivors, of course. Race: Saharaan (Mutation) Age: 30 Physical Appearance: The scales seen are suppose to be more yellow and orange. There are various scrap metals on Zamasp. [hider=Appearance][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/34/94/b3/3494b31b55fdfd0553f77d75a01a94e2.jpg[/img][/hider] Biography: Most people within the lands of Africa have heard of a mutated freak within the desert. Some even say this supposed freak is that of a giant lizard but nobody truly knows. The very idea of a mutated freak stem from the various rumors that spread from the now crazed and few survivor from these seemingly random attacks. While the attacks often happen from those who dare enter into the less travel regions or trying to assault the traveling Saharaan. The true stories of these rumors are unknown to all but one that alive, yet the stories are spun upon a wheel that simply comes out as a strange mutant, a folk tale, and idle gossip but in reality the truth is more sinister. The so called story of Zamasp is but a simple tale of the hunters becoming the hunted. For when Zamasp was born he was different from the rest of his kind, the Saharaan, yet most saw this simply as tall tale and never took it fully. None the less, his parents did care for him till that very fate day when the hunters came. For what was left of anyone and anything within the group is now simply dust, yet Zamasp lived. For Zamasp holds his rage against the various fortress cities, humanity, and the raiders who dared ruined his very life, for he will make them all pay. [/hider]