[@Rune_Alchemist] [@Jangel13] [@Wasted Ink] Kishi, while thinking of the various uses of the rabbit's body parts, barely noticed that Xaal and Isurta left in time, and ran quickly to catch up to the duo. When he had caught up to the two of them, he began to pick the berries he saw the previous rabbit eating before it's death, eating them as he continued to walk down the bright path. The horned rabbit they fought earlier luckily weighed very little, making it easy to carry. [i]I really need to create something to hold all this junk...[/i] As Kishi thought this, he saw the other two crouch to the ground, and he imitated the action far better than he did the first time. In the clearing ahead, two horned rabbits were... wrestling-? [i]Having sex.[/i] The voice in his head chimed in. [color=a2d39c]"T-that's pretty lewd..."[/color] Kishi whispers absentmindedly. Kishi was blushing, turning his light green cheeks the same shade of crimson as Xaal's eyes. He runs his hands through his hair and tries to think about the situation rationally when Isurta begins to giggle lightly. Slowly, the gears in Kishi's head began to turn, until he had all the information he could gather. This clearing was significantly smaller than the previous one, allowing for a closer assault on the enemies. Additionally, the horned rabbits were... distracted at the moment, leaving a window of time for a surprise assault or, should they wait a while, a significantly weaker male horned rabbit who would still be in sage mode. The trees were close enough that an aerial assault could be justifiable, but being unable to move in midair is a major drawback and Kishi's skill with the spear would not allow him to throw it effectively. The bushes nearby and the proximity of the trees likely meant that leaves and sticks littered the ground like landmines, and with the ears that the horned rabbits had, they would surely notice the noise. Eventually, Kishi gave up on formulating a plan. Their were simply too many variables and risks for him to accurately account for, so going with the easiest option was the only choice he had. [color=a2d39c]"I can't really think of a good plan, but what about this: Brother Xaal can attack from behind and, when the other rabbit is distracted, I'll charge in from the front. If you can think of a plan that doesn't involve me potentially dying though, I'd love to hear it."[/color] Kishi fingered the small stone in his loincloth neurotically, before laying the body of Isurta's rabbit on the ground and placing the leftover spear next to it.