[h1][color=Crimson]Savannah Churchill[/color][/h1] The first thing Savannah heard was the gunshot. Oh, the noise. It was deafening, and it reverberated throughout her bones, making her shiver. She utterly hated the noise of guns, they gave her the willies. When she looked over her left shoulder, she saw the bodies. The sight alone made her want to throw up. Blood pooled under the children's bodies, and she was so close to them that it touched her bare feet. The sight of it alone made her want to scream or cry or do [i]something[/i], but it seemed that her own body wouldn't respond to her movements, and she was just stuck there, frozen in shock and fear. she had seen guns before, seen bodies before, had [i]seen[/i] carnage. But somehow, this situation distressed her. Humans killing humans? It was wrong, at least while Dreamcatcher's monsters were still out there. [color=Crimson][i]But,[/i][/color] she thought with a snarl, [color=Crimson][i]We don't really count as human anymore, do we?[/i][/color] The thought had been at the back of Savannah's mind for days now, the fact that she wasn't really a human anymore. An unexpected tear flowed down her face, followed by another. And another. And another. [color=f7976a]"Savannah Churchill. Room 203. Building B."[/color] Savannah heard a man say, and turned around. She took deep breaths, calming herself down. The flow of tears stopped, and it fully occurred to her that she would be getting a room all to herself. And just as the fear left her, the anger reappeared, urging her to punch someone in the face. A guard pressed the barrel of his gun to her head, and pushed it, as if to say 'Move.' She obeyed the guard, getting herded into a group of 4 other teenagers who all seemed to be older than Savannah herself. She also seemed to be the shortest, which was always the case, in whatever group she was in. She couldn't remember a time she had seen someone as short as her, unless they were a toddler. There was a girl just a bit taller than her, which was somewhat of a comfort. [color=palevioletred]"So does this make us the problem children?"[/color] said the very tall, red-haired girl to her left. [color=palevioletred]"Guess you guys get the fun job, looking after the crazies. You draw straws for this or something?"[/color] Savannah snickered underneath her breath. The girl in shades didn't seem to be amused though. Actually, the girl she had previously thought was what most Americans considered 'edgy' was crying. Savannah was only slightly surprised by the fact. People were never what they seemed to be. After about five minutes of walking inside of a modern, sleek building, the herd separated into two. The girl with the sunglasses and the girl with the black hair went up an elevator, while the three others continued walking along in complete silence. After both of the other girls were shoved into their rooms, Savannah was shut into her room unceremoniously, with a cursory barking of curfew. She was then greeted by a long, loud scream, to which she paid no attention. Savannah actually just flopped down onto her bed and slept, letting the darkness take her.