Maria, for her part, had suffered far worse disciplinary action before in her life than some unconsciousness and a scolding - far, far worse. In her stint in the Guard, she came close to deepthroating a Bolt from the commisar’s (and now hers) intimidating piece of personal artillery. By comparison, little more than a slap on the wrist for literally setting herself on fire to intimidate her fellow crewmates made her, if anything, question the resolve of this Inquisitor. Was she new? Did she have much experience at all? Mercy, or kindness, was not a trait that surfaced much among the Inquisition, being no small hindrance to their job of purging heretics, traitors, and xenos as viciously and thoroughly as possible. All in all, this assignment was not at all turning out how she had expected it. She double checked all of her gear, limited though it was, as she made her way to the shuttle that was ostensibly to bring them to their destination. Her boltpistolrevolvercontraption was polished and practically gleaming in the harsh, artificially blue light ships always seemed to have. Carapace armor was all in order, buckles were double checked and showed no signs of excess wear, and the padding had been thoroughly washed well ahead of time. Her coat was in good order, showing the hell she’d put it through, but still more than presentable, the ragged edges at the bottom looked kind of swashbuckling, in her opinion. And last, but perhaps most importantly, her hat doubling as a helmet was properly secured, with its feather at a fittingly jaunty angle, the perfect companion to the smug, self satisfied grin she intended to greet the others with. As she walked into the shuttle, she gave a greatly melodramatic bow, saluting the Inquisitor smartly before turning to Adrianne, doffing her hat in an elaborate display. “And how, pray tell, do you do my giantess?” She smirked, returning her hat to her head and yawning loudly, “I, for one, had the most [i]wondrous[/i] nap! Wouldn’t you say so as well? It was truly refreshing!” After a moment, she added, “However, I’m sure as tired as we all were, the fall must have been hard on you. After all, with your head so high in the clouds all the time, returning to earth must have been…” grinning savagely, she winked at Adrianne, small wisps of flame dancing along her eyelashes, “concussive.”