Assallya didn't know what the fuss was concerning the Duergar. There was no underdark beneath the shifting sun scorched sands of Calimshan. To her he was only a dusky skinned dwarf. It made her curious as there were others that looked just as dangerous. Still, it was looking to be a decent group of warriors to protect her and do the fighting for her. That was a requirement for any endeavor she set out upon. The elven gypsy's skirts swished back and forth as she Followed along in the procession and into the keep proper. She had to admit, she had expected more. She had seen brothels more lavish. By the nine hells, her former master and pasha back in Calimshan had a better estate. This caused her some concern, particularly in the area of if the lord could actually follow through on whatever promises were made. Wandering the hall aimlessly she swept her hands across surfaces, her delicate fingers brushing works of art that she deemed to be little more than then work of hobbyists. The far north was so spartan, so utilitarian. it was as if they concentrated every iota of their being on survival. How boring.