[center][img]https://s17.postimg.org/ytkjbotjz/1447475647800.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1]Jeffrey Wagner[/h1][/center] [center][b]Age:[/b] 56 [b]Personality: [/b] Having spent years out in the wastes, Jeffrey is well aware of how animalistic human beings can become, and is disgusted by it. He has a refined and cultured demeanor, appreciating the finer things in life. Deep down though, he is cunning and ruthless with the shrewd sense of a true businessman. While he’ll get his hands dirty if he must, Jeffrey prefers to get his way through bribery and blackmail. [b]Faction:[/b] The New California Republic – the Cabal [b]S.P.E.C.I.A.L= [/b] Strength: 4 Perception: 9 Endurance: 4 Charisma: 8 Intelligence: 8 Agility: 6 Luck: 6 [b]Backstory: [/b]Jeffrey grew up in a rundown shack with his parents, who made their living trading goods. They never made much, but he always enjoyed coming along and watching the deals be made. When he was eighteen years old, the determined young man decided he wanted to set off for Vegas. The journey was hazardous, and it wasn’t long until he found himself exhausted and overheated in the middle of the Mojave. When a group of raiders found him, he was ready to accept death, but by some stroke of what seemed at the time to be luck, one of the raiders knew him from childhood. The friend asked if he wanted to join them – promising caps, water, and companionship. Jeffrey joined quite eagerly, wondering if perhaps raiders weren’t always as bad as he had heard. But they were. The things he would come to see them do made him question what constituted a human being. Jeffrey himself didn’t commit as much murder and destruction as the others, instead becoming the planner and the speaker of the group. But he still committed his fair share of violence and depravity, all the while despising the crude nature of it all. And yet despite this, Jeffrey stayed with them for many years. Perhaps it was the caps, perhaps it was the sense of being skilled and useful to a group, or perhaps he just didn’t know where else he would go. But Jeffrey stayed with them until he one day caught wind of some NCR rangers coming their way. He decided not to notify his fellow raiders, and when the NCR finally found them he pretended to be a prisoner. And it worked – they were all gunned down except for him, and they took him back. Soon enough, Jeffrey managed to talk his way into getting a job of his own with them, where he later became a member of the Cabal. He felt that job was much more suited to him than his former occupation – oftentimes some well-chosen words and a bit of blackmail would do much more damage than a gun would. He grew fond of sophistication and had strong distaste towards thugs and brutes. After all, having the lived the life of a hoodlum he was all too aware of how easy it was for human beings to become animals. Jeffrey came to live in New Vegas, where he would frequently make deals regarding huge amounts of caps with the intention of the NCR having control of the riches flowing through the Mojave. And if worst ever came to worst, he wouldn’t hesitate to shoot someone who was no longer needed in the back. [b]Weapon choice: [/b] Silenced .22 pistol and a combat knife [b]Perks:[/b] Educated Fortune Finder The Professional [b]'Tagged' Skills:[/b] Barter Speech Guns [/center]