Here's my attempt at a CS: [hider=Penelope Copper "The Messenger"][center] [img][/img] Title: The Messenger Name: Penelope "Penny" DuVere Sex: Female Age: 18[hr] Appearance: A physically unimpressive girl, Penny stands at 5'3 and weighs a whopping 115 pounds. She has pale, often dirty, skin that is slightly sun damaged around her forearms. She has bright red hair that touches her shoulders. She wears a [url=]tattered, dark green jacket[/url]. When she need stealth and concealment, she pull the hood over her head and covers her mouth and nose with a black cloth. She wears black pants and boots with soft soles for silent steps. Skills: Acrobatics, Speed, Espionage/Infiltration, Eavesdropping, Tracking. (While she is physically capable and fast, she can easily be overpowered by strength, which is why she relies on her speed). Powers: Agility, Windblast, Dark Vision, (Original)Breeze Walker - Summons a Breeze that allows Penny to glide for a short amount of time Bio: Penny came from a poor family. Her father was a courier and messenger in Gristol. At an early age, she learned from him to find the fastest routes through the city and to use them generously. As he had been a soldier for a long time, her father was injured in battle, but the royal family did nothing to aid him. Because of that, he harbored an infinite hatred for the government and constantly slandered its name. When her father and his friends formed a band of rebels, she helped them by delivering messages. As their big attempt to take down the royal family, they delivered letters laced with deadly poison to government officials. Penelope delivered several of the letters, killing four politician and a Royal Bodyguard. When the insurgency was attacked by the guard, Penelope's father was killed. She was arrested, dishonored, and thrown in prison, where she spent the last two years. [/center][/hider]