Hitori looked at the Pizza and it did indeed look edible, it smelled rather pleasant too but soon he was distracted from responding to Perrin out of an instinct to tend to Cassius that had never quite left, "I'm fine. Just missing the heartbeat of the forest is all, I don't think Kumiho were meant to be skyloft this long. I had a strange Dream..." He said rather seriously. "In the Dream I was eating of an ancient beast when strange Steeple hatted people fell from heaven and brought calamity in their wake before their ruin dissolved into dancing silver coins which became fairies that fled into the mists. Then I made Drinks and woke up...did I actually make the drinks by the way?" He questioned. He could sense something off about Cassius' emotional state, both with his gem and from knowing Cassius so long, "Is there something on your mind my cherub? You seem as if you want to say something but are hesitant."