After you guys are happy with the way your CS looks, put it up on the Characters tab. Be sure to put down your attribute points, hit points, skills and saidar weaves (if applicable). Another point I want to clear with all of you, [@Eklispe], [@solokolos], [@Vor] and [@POOHEAD189]. Is it okay if we have the entire RP in present tense? Like [b]Lord Torin unsheathes his sword and prepares to meet the Halfman[/b] instead of [b]Lord Torin unsheathed his sword and prepared to meet the Halfman[/b]? I feel it gives a much better sense of action, but it can be quite tricky if you are used to past tense in your writing. I will assume you are okay with it unless you are not, in which case, let me know.