[hider=Alyna Telle] Name: Alyna Telle Age:39 Gender: Female Nationality: Tanchico Race: Human Class: Aes Sedai Appearance: Alyna's most striking feature is her long curly auburn hair, more specifically how it contrasts her pale skin. Her eyes are a pastel blue, with dark eyebrows that make them easy to distinguish at a distance. Alyna stands at 5' 3" (~157cm) with no bust to speak of; her figure's reminiscent of a prepubescent boy, at least according to her. Her face is similar to most Aes Sedai in the way that she seems almost ageless. Alyna normally wears darker colors, mixing darker greens with reddish purples, though she does mix in greens with royal purple. Her normal attire is dresses, and rarely does she stray from this pattern, unless the climate is unforgiving. Background: Alyna was born into a family too poor to feed her and, for at least a couple years, too pious to abandon her in the streets. Her first memories were not of her parents, however, but instead of the orphanage she lived in for most of her life. The memory was hazy, she knew she had been injured, but that wasn't what shone through after all those years. What lay in that memory was the yellow hoods of the Aes Sedai who healed her. The stories she heard later, from her peers, could never darken the resplendent image their very name awakened inside her. Alyna had a fairly repetitive childhood, never being fortunate enough (or, as is mostly the case, pretty enough) to be adopted. It wasn't so bad, she'd tell you, even with her oaths taken. The tales whispered about the White Tower reminded her of aspirations that she was sure most little girls at least considered. To be special, to be able to change the world; who couldn't help but dream? Although she saw the Aes Sedai once or twice more over the years, on the streets when she was begging and the such, it wasn't until Alyna was 17 that she again gained ones attention. The woman, or girl, Alyna never could tell, informed her that she was able to channel. Having no idea of her own potential, Alyna was floored. After the Aes Sedai explained what it would mean, Alyna begged her to take her to the white tower to be trained. The journey from Tanchico to Tar Valon would always be an amazing milestone in Alyna's life; it was on par with one of her first memories in terms of stark contrast to her earlier monotonous life. Alyna trained for 20 years, not in any way exceptional in her studies. The only thing that could be considered remotely impressive was the way she was raised to Accepted. She was promoted without seeming to be affected, though that may have been a front. The Test for the Shawl went similarly, and she passed on her first attempt. Besides this she was not an exceptional student, she just seemed to work well under pressure. To the surprise of the few friends she made while at the Tower, Alyna did not choose the Yellow Ajah but instead the Gray Ajah. This was mostly surprising because of how dedicated Alyna was to studying healing weaves. Alyna had decided on the Grey Ajah as opposed to the Yellow Ajah for good reason. One, she felt she could heal the wounded and preform such altruistic activities without being a part of the Ajah seemingly designated for the task. Two, Alyna noticed how populated the Grey Ajah was, in stark contrast to the Yellow Ajah, and felt any mistakes made would be a lot less noticeable in a larger community of Aes Sedai. The third and final reason for her choice of Ajah had to do with her childhood. A lifetime of being looked down upon summoned spite and contempt for those born into nobility. The darker side of wanting to be great lead her to envy those who had more than enough and couldn't bother to spare a single copper. A large part of her felt that becoming a Grey Ajah would let her rub shoulders with these high borns, and force them to respect a low born such as herself. This is quite toxic, as she still regards those who she normally is assigned to deal with as above her, and seems to show a permanently compromised self esteem. This isn't oft expressed in the presence of these lords, and ladies, but is often apparent when she lets down her guard. After taking the oaths and choosing her Ajah, Alyna was not assigned a job outside the tower for a month, but once she was she decided to choose a Warder. Saloul was her first choice, not only for how friendly he seemed. Before bonding with Saloul, Alyna spent many a evening watching him and his peers train, before eventually deciding he would be the best option. She traveled with Saloul for a week before deciding to bond with him. After bonding, she was assigned small tasks by the Head Clerk, leading the two to travel together for a month. Saloul and Alyna are currently staying at an inn inside of Illian. Desired equipment at the start of the game: Flint Change of clothes Horse Saddle Saddlebags Hand axe Water skin Salted deer jerkey Bedroll [/hider] [b]Level 1 Aes Sedai[/b] [b]Attributes:[/b] HP - 4 Strength - 9 -1 (Low due to Alyna's weak physique and early life of poverty.) Dexterity - 10 +0 (Normal.) Constitution - 10 +0 (Normal.) Intelligence - 16 +3 (High due to Aes Sedai training.) Wisdom - 18 +4 (Very high due to Aes Sedai training and an early life spent on the streets, ravaged by fate.) Charisma - 15 +2 (High due to Grey Ajah.) [hider=Weaves] [b]Lvl 0 weaves[/b] Remove Fatigue - Removes fatigue from a target temporarily, at the cost of exhaustion later. Very useful in the heat of battle. (Uses Water, Air and Spirit.) [b]Lvl 1 weaves[/b] Solidify Air - solidify the air around a target, rendering it immobile. (Uses Air.) Fork of Lightning - channel a bolt of lightning at your enemies. (Uses Air, Fire and Water) Fireball - channel a ball of Fire. (Uses Fire.) Thunder - produce a loud clap of Thunder to disorient your enemies. (Uses Air and Fire.) Shielding - channel a shield to block an enemy channeler from the One Power. (Uses all five elements.) Bonding - bond the target as your Warder. (Uses all five elements.) [b]Ajah-specific weaves Lvl 1 weaves[/b] Aura of Power - Channel an aura of intimidating presence around you. People with weak minds (low intelligence) will be more pliable to negotiation and settlement. (Uses Air, Fire and Spirit.) [/hider] [b]Skills:[/b] Channeling: (4) Diplomacy: (4) Speak language: (2) Knowledge of Nobility and Royalty: (3) Knowledge of the Karaethon Cycle: (1) Knowledge of Tel'aran'rhiod: (1) Sense motive: (1)* Concentration: (3) *Untrained [b]Feats:[/b] None, yet