[center][img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/5012/f/2012/268/a/8/ncr_veteran__ranger_by_fonteart-d5fv1l8.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Bernard Löwert [b]Age:[/b] 37 [b]Looks: [/b] [url=http://orig08.deviantart.net/e380/f/2012/014/c/c/balthazar_by_melna-d4me62t.jpg]Bern[/url] prefers to wear his ranger helmet for a damn good reason in the fact that outside of his uniform, his natural bad posture, diminutive and even ugly physique hardly allow him to command the same respect he does otherwise. His physique is still however a statement on his methods of operation and where other veterans show their numerous scars with pride, Bern spites them for their macho conduct, preferring his own skin that only shows the traces of a bad box that almost snuffed the life out of him when he was a teenager. 'No need to be tough enough to survive attrocious wounds when you're smart enough not to get them in the first place.' is the way he thinks. Ultimately, the frown of mild disgust he has for his comrades seem to be rather permanently imprinted on his face, though it is sometimes replaced by a smug smile. [b]Personality:[/b] Bernard was bullied when he was young and it shows a great deal. Ironic that he would hate the macho alpha males so much while being in one of the most elite branch of the army basically filled with them. Others think that he just has 'issues', but that doesn't even begin to cover it. He will admit himself that his dislike of others (and it goes double for women) is frustration due to his own crippling lack of charisma, but it goes deeper than that. No, being an introvert spending most of his time educating himself rather than socializing, he has come to despise the republic that employs him and its sham of a meritocracy. No, the number of times he was passed for a promotion because the guy next to him was simply more likable. Democracy itself! What a joke, just a contest of popularity. Even crime and justice was just a contest of rhetoric, certainly not a tool to find the truth. This has made him secretly sympathetic to the legion. If he was confronted about this terrible secret he'd of course go on and on on the practicality of solid leadership based on intelligence and not on the ability to please a crowd though in secret there is a certain fantasy of just enslaving a woman for himself, have a plot of land and hire a few people to grow his crops... that or maybe make a name for himself rather than just be another 'Ranger' so that someone would maybe mourn him or cheer at his death, rather than just vanish in the sand. [b]Faction:[/b] NCR! (For now...) [b]S.P.E.C.I.A.L[/b] Strength: 6 Perception: 7 Endurance: 6 Charisma: 1 Intelligence: 7 Agility: 8 Luck: 10 [b]Backstory:[/b] Bernard was always called a huge nerd back in school, and that was on a good day as on a bad one he could expect the worst forms of torture imaginable for a kid (Born in the city, far away from raiders and super mutants). But this isn't some fantasy world with free superior education, oh no, Bernard found out the hard way that a single alcoholic mother could hardly afford superior education for her only child. At first Bern kind of drifted from place to place, doing menial jobs and becoming increasingly angry at the system for all the reasons possible. Ultimately however, he met a girl. Well, encountered. From a distance. They might have spoken on about 3 occasions and she didn't insult him or anything so that was all he needed to get a crush really. Still, a dishwasher boy really couldn't expect to impress a cute girl like that so he kept his distance. Speaking about his crush to a friend however, said guy, an even bigger nerd, laughed at him. 'There's you and right here in the streets there's... hey look at that, a ranger! How can you even compete?' Well... what could someone do when a ranger was interested eh? The poor fellow really did see the army as his salvation, a way to gain social status, some wealth and impress someone special. His career seemed to naturally go toward a bureaucratic role, at most that of an engineer, but Bernard wouldn't hear it, it would just be walking the same shoes he did all of his life! He worked hard and ultimately got what he wanted: Ranger. He walked home with pride in his stride but found his mother uncaring, his friends on the defensive now that he was 'better than them' and worst of all, quickly came to the crushing realization that having trained for years in an overly masculine field hardly made his social skills with women any better. He quickly abandoned his original plan of asking the girl of his dream out as when he knocked on her door, the boyfriend answered. And so Bernard continued to live his life alone, trying some amateur writing but stopping after he was discovered and humiliated for it by his fellow rangers, finding solace in solitary recon work and in trapping stupid raiders in ingenious ambushes. It was of course at this point that the deployment in the mojave happened. He only took minor role in the battle of the damn, spotting for artillery and taking pot shots at officers of the legion, but he couldn't help but admire rather than despise Caesar who had with knowledge of Rome managed to get an empire of his own. The half retarded barbarians of the legion themselves were brain dead idiots beyond him but Caesar... A more impressive figure than the president at least. [b]Weapon choice:[/b] -Anti-material Rifle -Revolver -Grenades -Mines [b]Perks:[/b] +Splash Damage +Better Criticals +Weapon Handling [b]'Tagged' Skills[/b] +Guns +Explosives +Sneak +Repair +Science [b]'Weak' Skills[/b] -Speech -Barter [b]Any other info not included in the above:[/b]