[hider=Artificer King Actus] [center][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/8c84/f/2012/344/3/6/joel___the_last_of_us_avatar_by_the10thprotocol-d5np216.png[/img][hr][hr][h2][b][color=00aeef][u]Actus Algoran[/u][/color][/b][/h2][h3][sup][i][color=00aeef]Artificer King of the Wise Iron Tribe[/color][/i][/sup][/h3][hr][hr][/center] [indent][color=00aeef][u] Age: [/u][/color] [indent][color=eaeaea]48[/color][/indent] [color=00aeef][u] Appearance [/u][/color] [color=eaeaea][indent]Old and learned, Actus Algoran has weathered many a rough seasons, aged brown hair starting to turn white and the light in once hazel eyes fading into an amber bronze. His stature is respectable but a hunch is visible from years of leaning over tables and workbenches. His king's regalia is a steel breastplate decorated with trinkets and pipes leading in and out as well as many a pockets and pouches contains writing utensils, note pads and spare parts.[/indent][/color] [color=00aeef][u] Personality [/u][/color] [color=eaeaea][indent]Actus was never one for the arts of war but, embodying his tribe's tradition and culture, is a scholar of the old world arts of knowledge. A tenacious elder, Actus is known to be stubborn and blunt but is well respected for his technical knowledge and learned ways knowing how to read beyond simple english and able to memorize entire books and technical manuals; an undisputed brilliant mind capable of running both numbers and sonnets. Fourth to the Algoran legacy, Actus is a pragmatic and wily old man able to out fox and out think his opponents which may be a cause for his increased power over tribal affairs believing more in hard work and logic over luck and fortune. Actus endorses slavery not out of cruelty or sadism, but out of pragmatism seeing slaves as cheap labor for menial tasks like digging and manual muscle, anything else thats not unskilled is left to the skilled hands of his people.[/indent][/color] [color=00aeef][u] Faction [/u][/color] [color=eaeaea][indent]Wise Iron Tribe (Legion-Aligned)[/indent][/color] [color=00aeef][u] S.P.E.C.I.A.L. [/u][/color] [color=eaeaea][list][*]Strength: 3 [*]Perception: 7 [*]Endurance: 9 [*]Charisma: 8 [*]Intelligence: 10 [*]Agility: 4 [*]Luck: 2 [/list][/color] [color=00aeef][u] Backstory [/u][/color] [color=eaeaea][indent]Born of the royal blood of Algoran, Actus spent his early life surrounded by tutors and his elders who taught him how not only to read, but to think. His studies would range from how to survive on the land to how to decipher old world text to how to write the letters of the old languages. The first encounter that Algoran would have with the Legion is during his time as a child when his father ruled. A host of drilled and disciplined legionaries and wise, charismatic diplomats came as part of a regular meeting with the Artificer King as Actus's father, Pythagor, had allied the tribe with the Legion after being impressed with their society. Perhaps in a move to secure good future relations, one of the diplomats gave the young heir his own weapon, a .45 auto pistol to which Actus keeps to this day. Actus would assume control in his late teens when his father was assassinated by an NCR ranger. The new Artificer King lead a hunt for 4 days and 4 nights and captured the ranger by outwitting the sniper before torturing him and making a show out of them back at the Wise Iron fortress for all to see, increasing Legion support both within the people and within himself. His rule has been seen with increased support with the Legion, becoming a major supplier for them in terms of both military of administrative roles. Shipments of fabricated grenade rifles, explosives and blades are accompanied by artillery and fortification specialists whose work can often be seen either building walls or destroying them. Being one of the most educated tribes, man have also found work in the Legion as clerks and book keepers who help Caeser in keeping his realm afloat as well as constructing new buildings in his territory. Artificer King Actus is married to the Craft Queen Matri and has four children: Lord Rashio the heir, Lady Cartesia the scholarly maiden, Lord Heorem the tribe champion and Lady Parab the youngest of them all.[/indent][/color] [color=00aeef][u] Weapon of Choice [/u][/color] [color=eaeaea][list][*].45 Auto Pistol [*]Tomahawk (Used as Melee) [*]Flare Gun [/list][/color] [color=00aeef][u] Perks [/u] [/color] [color=eaeaea][list][*]Educated [*]Jury Rigging [*]Voracious Reader [/list][/color] [color=00aeef] [u] Tagged Skills [/u][/color] [color=eaeaea][list][*]Sciece [*]Repair [*]Survival [/list][/color][/indent] [/hider]