[center][img]https://s22.postimg.org/qmer2dny9/Precious_Kyle_Lucidius.png[/img] [h2]Location: Hoffand Park[/h2][/center] [hr] Kyle didn't flinch, the muzzle caressing the back of Victoria's skull. She knew his name and this surprised him but it isn't what stopped him. It was a combination of things. That calm demeanor of hers was unsettling, yes, but it was her seeming precognition of him. How did she know who he was or even that he was tracking her? Kyle's eyes shifted to the right and for a moment he locked eyes with the blonde's. This was all wrong. It felt wrong. [color=lightgreen]"You have many questions I am sure, Mr. Lucidius,[/color] Victoria began, only turning her head slightly to the right to train her eyes on Anastasia, [color=lightgreen]but perhaps the most telling is how do I know who you are."[/color] There was something about her voice that Kyle couldn't put his finger on. He had long ago trained himself to keep a level head during hunts. Having an elevated heart rate destroyed rationality and accuracy behind a weapon. Even so, he always felt some type of anxiety. A myriad of things could go wrong on a hunt and he had to be open to dealing with them as they came. You must be fluid and adaptive. Suddenly, Kyle shifted, the weapon moving from Victoria's skull to Anastasia's left temple. Almost as quickly, Kyle's left hand gripped the switchblade in his pocket, shot the blade out, and placed the tip against Victoria's brain stem. She said his name and for most that was a death sentance. [color=lightgreen]"I have a proposition for you, should you choose to listen to it. I can help with your... [i]predicament[/i]. After all, you are one of us."[/color] The corner of Victoria's lips twitched into a smile, her body slowly rising from the seat. This revelation made Kyle furrow his brows. [i]Us... She said us...[/i] His eyes moved toward Anastasia. [i]Is she Touched as well?[/i] He didn't have much time to think about the implications as Victoria spoke again, [color=lightgreen]"You have been watching me for some time, but I you far longer. They know, Mr. Lucidius. Go to where the Pale Man dresses and we shall discuss more."[/color] Kyle's eyes shot up, examining the buildings around them. Roofs, windows, doorways. Victoria smoothed out her dress and turned around, [color=lightgreen]"I suggest you run... and do take the young one with you. She will prove useful to you."[/color] With that, she bowed her head and that smile creeped back along her lips. Without warning, her entire frame collapsed into what seemed like a thousand pieces of glass, transforming themselves into dust as the wind carried her away. [color=silver]"Fuck...[/color] Without hesitation, the knife was back in his pocket, his body pivoting so his left hand grabbed Anastasia's bicep. The pistol was at his side and his eyes spoke urgently. Now was not the time for deliberating choices. There was only one. Everything Anastasia feared was true. There was an organization that hunted them. There was no trial. No jury of your peers. Just execution, left to die without dignity in some empty street or alone in your bed. An echo of a tire screeching bounced off the city buildings. They were close. [color=silver]"If you wish to die, stay. Otherwise..."[/color] Kyle twisted and began to run back toward the barrier. There wouldn't be much time before 'They' arrived.