[@Bright_Ops] "What's my greatest kill?" She cast her mind back to her various fights over the decades she had fought. "Ok, so, this one requires some backstory. Normally, I have a chainsword clipped to the other side of my heavy flamer tank, and it was this incident that convinced the techeads to not give me another one. At least not for a while. I'm gonna try to requisition a new one before we land. So, anyway, this group of fuckhuge orks attacked the Chimera we were in, and this one guy had what they call a 'power klaw.' Nasty fucking things. He tore straight through the armour and killed the crewman. Pulled the chainsaw out and stuck it straight through the fucker's head, causing the chain to snap off." She paused for a moment, before Rena punched her arm. "That's bullshit. It was a bunch of regular Orks with grenades who blew it open, and we all killed them. She crisped a couple, It must be said. She lost chainsword privileges because she was dicking around with one of them." The two burst out into laughing, before Angel spoke again. "Ok, ok. Actual greatest kill was probably when I planted a satchel charge and rigged a remote detonator using a vox caster. Trukks ran over it, button pressed, three trukks become a crater. Good times."