[@SheriffLlama] No problem, here's a description below. [hider=The Palace of an Exiled Utopia][center][img]http://static.messynessychic.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Ch%C3%A2teau-de-la-Mothe-Chandeniers1.jpg[/img][/center][center][h2]Vaulk ash Krakkar[/h2][h3][color=B0C4DE][i]The Palace of an Exiled Utopia[/i][/color][/h3] [/center] [hr][hr][indent]The Exiled Utopia was a palace once built for spared monarchs. Traditionally, if a monarch is challenged by another monarch to any sort of test of skill and is defeated, that monarch is royally executed, their race is no longer protected by the Principality, and they are force to relocate on a different homeland. However, monarchs were not always executed, some kings and queens have taken a more liberal approach by sparing their opponent. All of the same penalty would be enforced upon their specie, although now, their monarch would be living it up in a fancy fortress far far away. A sickening feeling... So it makes sense why this place has become a famous suicide point. Well, so far three have taken their lives. The first, jumped off the balcony connected to the master bedroom (the room Owen and Tahlia currently sleep in), the second drowned herself in the tub, and the third starved himself (this could have actually been an accidental suicide in a religious fasting process that went wrong, but that is what the rumor says...). But that is the historical account of the Exiled Utopia. It is obvious why it gets the [i]Exiled[/i] part of its name, but it gets the [i]Utopia[/i] part for being rather perfect, and luxurious, or at least it was once when first built. Now, the palace is rather outdated with no electricity and plumbing. It feels like living in the medieval era. Some might value that aspect of it, others depreciate it. Though no matter, those living there are daily supplied with food, firewood, matches, and hot water in the tubs. Although, if you want to bathe in the hot water, it is best to wake up rather early since the tubs get filled during the night when all others are sleeping. Those that supply such needs for the crew are servants paid by the Principality. As for the rooms themselves, there is a master bedroom (Owen and Tahlia's room), a child's room with two twin beds (Yaz and Echo's room), and one more empty bedroom with fireplace and furnished with queen size bed and a wardrobe. There is a drawing room, where most drawing rooms are used to entertain guest, this is an ironic place because, well, who gets guest when you live on a isolated island surrounded by snow and ice? But, still this is a room supplied with cushioned benches and an overhanging chandelier. There is a small library supplied with books and even scrolls, although none of the crew would understand any of the text, but studying the pictures might be interesting... Speaking of pictures, located right next to the library, there is a gallery with paintings of multiple locations on the current planet they are stationed- [i]Katex[/i]. This was a room that was suppose to lightened the hearts of the exiled by giving them at least a glimpse of the world around them, but it just enough induces further depression. There are three bathrooms supplied with a wooden tub for a bath, water basin, and a garderobe (wooden medieval toilet). And finally, a dining room. This room has a wooden table surrounded by chairs. Overhanging from the ceiling there is a chandelier, and a fireplace in front of the table. The flooring is stone and the walls are paneled with wood. Hung on the walls, are some historical paintings because clearly this is a place riddled with history. Since the palace is outdated, it no longer houses exiled monarchs but occasionally some upper-class citizen that afford to vacation at such a place do when it is not currently occupied. [/indent][/hider]