[@Leechee] Made a CS, looking forward to seeing what powers you make up. hope the two dumb lists I gave you help a little. [hider= Sebastian Mortimer] Name: Sebastian Mortimer Alias: Almighty Janitor (to himself), Seb (everyone else) Age: 30 Gender: male Appearance: [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/12920483/large.jpg[/img] Biography: Having spent most of his time in university either drunk or campaigning for socialist revolution he found himself with a relatively poor degree in Greek and Classics & Ancient History. Drifting from job to job, a brief stint in the military, Seb was crippled for most of his life by his feelings of powerlessness. Finally ending up as an janitor working in various government buildings when Dec 20th, 2016 rolled around. At his work he is generally unknown, because who pays attention to janitors? It does give him a lot of access to information in the buildings he works in, nobody expects the janitor to read files or listen in to conversations. Generally cynical but has a great appreciation for the absurd, things will either get worse or, as Dec 20th, 2016 has show, weirder. Generally distrustful of those with wealth but respects those who do what they do out of passion or a greater purpose than making money or others who are in situations like his own where they just sort of ended up here. Super Powers: to be generated, preferably one option for a physical enhancement for brawling. I also like powers with a lot of flexibility. [hider= Almighty Janitor] also maybe outfit for super-powered stuff. with less burning eyes. [img]http://pre03.deviantart.net/cf2f/th/pre/i/2012/226/4/2/janitor_pantheon_by_irahi-d5b3rsq.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider]