[@Gohan][@Raddum] As mentioned in my last post (through the edit), I've completed (outside of possibly missing spells and one other detail) Firion's character sheet. While it's not finished yet, I also present you (especially Raddum) with this: [hider=Terra Branford][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/73a23fb0-bc8a-4d5b-9a5a-3a502e0e32cb.jpg[/img] "It's not the net worth of one's life that's important. It is the day to day concerns, the personal victories, and the celebration of life... and love!" [b][s] [/s] Terra Branford[/b] [b][h3][i]Name:[/i][/h3][/b]Terra Branford [b][h3][i]World:[/i][/h3][/b]Final Fantasy VI [b][h3][i]Alignment:[/i][/h3][/b]Cosmos [b][h3][i]Appearance:[/i][/h3][/b][hider=Terra Branford][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/a2cb55e0-bccb-4a18-b423-c3749d96aa35.png[/img][/hider][hider=Terra Branford (CG)][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/5d849057-ccc5-4bfd-ae1a-89611fdf1322.png[/img][/hider][b][h3][i]Class:[/i][/h3][/b]Esperkin [b][h3][i]Weapon(s):[/i][/h3][/b][url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Enhancer_(Weapon)]Enhancer (Sword)[/url] [b][h3][i]Summon:[/i][/h3][/b][url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Mog_(Final_Fantasy_VI)]Mog[/url] [hider=Kupo!][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/ed96273a-71a0-43a2-8081-21046ea09bc2.jpg[/img][/hider][b][h3][i]Information:[/i][/h3][/b][url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Terra_Branford/Dissidia]Final Fantasy Wiki: Terra Branford (Dissidia)[/url][b][h3][i]Abilities (Non-Dissidia):[/i][/h3][/b]While she carries a sword, the delicate girl known as Terra is not naturally aligned towards physical combat -- even during her time as a brainwashed slave of the Gestahl Empire - a time she no longer remembers outside of nightmarish visions - Terra did her fighting magically and inside the Empire's Magitek Armour. She has not learned to truly fight with a sword, and her current sword was chosen due to it enhancing her magical powers. Nevertheless, if she is able to overcome her disadvantage in physical strength she could learn to wield a weapon effectively. {Magic} "I'm afraid to fight... But I have to keep moving forward." [b][s] [/s] Terra Branford[/b] [hider=A pure, innocent girl born with the power of magic][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/635aad1b-ccbc-44b8-8ac2-565b6c29ef3b.png[/img][/hider] Alongside all the magic spells that she has been seen to be capable of learning and wielding in the previous cycles, this incarnation of Terra is capable to use a variety of others, including - but not limited to - healing magic such as Cure (heals wounds and health of herself or a target) and a higher variant of it, Esuna (cures negative status ailments to herself or a target), Raise (restores an incapacitated ally, on a small amount of health), and Arise (restores an incapacitated ally, at their full health) -- this last one currently exhausts her a lot though. She has other spells learned as well - in multiple categories - and will learn more as she grows, as well as reclaim spells she has lost since crossing to this dimension. Certain abilities that were once dependant on her 'EX Mode' are slowly becoming available to her through magic in her human form. {Magic Charge} [hider=Terra's Hair Altering][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/7a1d84c8-c626-4dc8-a3f1-c3a561cb2642.jpg[/img][/hider] Terra is - due to her unique nature - able to charge her magic spells simply by focusing on them, allowing her to increase their power to higher levels. This essentially allows her to make her magic comparable to the potency of higher grade versions of the spells, even without learning those high tiers; however, in order to do so she requires a lot of concentration, and therefore cannot initiate an attack during the charging process. Falling under attack will break her focus as well. This power does not only work with her offensive magic, but also her healing spells. Whenever she charges a spell, her hair alters colour from a natural blonde to a mint green -- its full change into a spearmint green signifies she has reached the limit of her power-up, and it reverts back to blonde after she releases the spell. [hider=Terra's Hair Changed][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/fe59a222-f0ae-4a23-96ef-3ba9413136a5.png[/img][/hider] [b][h3][i]EX Mode:[/i][/h3][/b]Trance "What is... this voice... in my head!?" [b][s] [/s] Terra Branford[/b] [hider=Terra's Esper Half][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d5475469-bd69-47d2-80be-fc1a65b09554.jpg[/img][/hider] Due to being the child of a human and an esper, Terra has the power to transform into an esper herself. In this state, the usually tender and somewhat frail girl becomes superhuman -- she is granted significant strength where there normally would be little, and her speed and endurance are drastically increased as well. She has access to new powers, including - but not limited to - a natural healing ability that resembles the Regen magic spell, the ability to fly, and the 'Chainspell' ability -- this allows her to embrace her magical powers more deeply and use her spirit to cast spells multiple times in greater succession. Once she reverts back to her human form, she is significantly weakened. Alongside her magic, abilities such as her 'Riot Blade' attack also become more powerful and enhanced in this state and no longer need her to be in a desperate state nor do they overwhelm her, and the 'Chaos Wave' ability - a trademark of her father Maduin - can be used without effort. [b][h3][i]EX Burst:[/i][/h3][/b]Beloved of Espers Terra's connection to the world of the espers - facilitated by her half-blooded link - opens a doorway into a pocket dimension which houses numerous espers. These magical beings of lore immediately resonate to the girl whose existence shares a bond with them, and - in response to the kindness and purity within her, and inspired by her dedication and spirit - they unless a powerful torrent of combined magical energy against her enemies that attacks for powerful Non-Elemental damage, using her body as a medium. The attack ignores physical and magical defences and acts as if Dispel is attached to it. [b][h3][i]Notes:[/i][/h3][/b]Minor spoilers -- I'll be playing with the idea that Firion looks like Locke (because he really does) so this will affect how Terra reacts to him, and her status of having a pact with Mog will be explained at the beginning of the story. There is also something about Terra's physical appearance that will come into play eventually, but I won't reveal what -- saying this so it does not look like I pulled it out of nowhere. Information from the overall character is also included here for reference material, as this version will be developed beyond the limits of the original 'Dissidia' games in order to make fleshed her out more and add interesting details, making her a different incarnation from the previous cycles. She possesses the abilities of the various 'Dissidia' games - alongside some of those from her original game - but also has new touches added as well. [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Terra_Branford]Final Fantasy Wiki: Terra Branford[/url][/center][/hider] On a side note -- I know it's too late at this point, but it still feels weird having this in the 1x1 forum when there's three of us.