[center][h3]Professional Blacksmith - Part II[/h3] [sub]Collab between [@Peaceless] and myself.[/sub][/center] Melanie returned to the small questioning room, taking her seat across Chizuru once more. She waited until the guard closed the door behind him before she resumed the session. "Thank you, Chizuru, for your patience. What I want to do now is have you take a personality test. It's 50 questions, multiple choice." Melanie pulled up the assessment, setting some parameters with time. "You'll have a maximum of one minute to answer each individual question. After that time, the system will automatically skip to the next question. This assessment is designed to determine what your top personality trait is, but I'll explain a bit more after you've finished." Melanie turned the tablet around to face Chizuru. "Do you have any questions before I step outside?" The cyborg blinked at the tablet. She looked at her gauntleted hand - with a quiet hiss, the claws split on the bottom and retracted, uncovering a small feminine hand, with grayish skin and some electrical conductors on the fingertips. "I don't think so." She said in a distracted tone of voice. "I can begin." "Very well then, I'll be right outside with the guards if you need me." Melanie got up and stepped outside, explaining to one of the guards that the cyborg was to have complete privacy until she was done with her assessment. Now that Melanie had quite a bit of time to kill, she started to wonder what she should do until then. The front page of the test application stared at Chizuru. A program that determines dominant personality traits - for some strange reason, the result worried her deeply. What if she gets a 'no personality - AI detected' result? Or something about murderous intent, serious disorders or other results that would fail her? She lightly touched the corner of the tablet's screen. A barely noticeable aberration wave washed over the picture as the interface was hacked to allow bidirectional data transfer. This would make any clicks on answers easier, she thought as the data stream ran through her head. Interface - kernel - database: She suddenly became aware she had access to the program's logic level, and were able to determine the meaning of each question. The cyborg quickly let go of the tablet - the real answer, as accurate as such a test can be, intrigued her. And it wouldn't do any good to cheat on a personality test anyway. She had nothing to hide. The data interface on her fingers turned off, Chizuru lightly pressed the 'START' icon. [hr] After Chizuru announced she had completed the test, Melanie went back into the small interrogation room with her. "I'm sure you're ready to hear the results and get out of here, so let's get to it," Melanie said, sitting down once more before grabbing the tablet. She spent about half a minute clicking away before turning her attention to the cyborg again. "Alright, let me give you the quick breakdown. The top 5 personality traits are as follows: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness. Extraversion represents good social skills, it's the opposite of being an introvert. Agreeableness is characterized by your kindness, compassion, and trust towards others. Conscientiousness has to do with goal-oriented behaviors such as organization and attention to detail. Neuroticism is measured by emotional instability, moodiness, and sadness. Lastly, openness describes individuals who are adventurous and creative. Now, as far as your results go, you scored the highest on conscientiousness. This is good as it shows you'll be an asset to whichever team you join, although you must be mindful of the boundary lines, especially since we're living here in the ark." As she said those words, Melanie hoped Chizuru wouldn't act accusatory towards her again, although she could retaliate later by exposing Chizuru's major flaws to Gavon and Admiral Locke. She would focus more on the negatives than the positives, and it could very well cost Chizuru her much-desired job. But that's only if the cyborg crossed her; Melanie liked to save her manipulations for personal affairs. "Now then, I will get these to Chief TreVayne and Admiral Locke as soon as I return to my office. Do you have any additional questions and concerns at this time?" "Yes." Of the many thoughts about these results, one seemed to push the others away. "Have you ever had an AI take this test? Can it detect extreme psychosis or lack of basic compassion?“ Chizuru wasn't sure why this was so important to know. Perhaps prison was getting to her. "Yes, this test has been administered on AIs as part of past studies. The purpose of [i]this[/i] assessment, though, is to determine personality traits, therefore additional testing is required for psychopathy and other forms of mental illnesses." Melanie gave Chizuru some time to think. "I can conduct those assessments as well, if you'd like. It only becomes mandatory if one of the higher-ups makes the request." "And they [i]didn't[/i] request it?" The cyborg tilted her head. "Is this standard procedure for all applicants for Security duty then? I thought Mr TreVayne had a lot more tests in mind. Unless... unless he thinks that Mr Locke is a wall I can't pass." "Yes," she finally said. "Please, throw everything you got at me." The Admiral was an unknown enemy and she needed everything she could get to use on him. "Other security candidates are able to avoid this step. The assessments administered to them are different than those I use for my regular clients. You would still go through the various testing phases like everyone else if ultimately given the chance, but before we get there, I have to conduct a quick briefing with Admiral Locke so that he may reach a decision on whether to move forward with you." Melanie started packing up her stuff, giving Chizuru the chance to think about the information that had just been given to her.