[center][b][color=8493ca][h3][i]Anastasia Hashiga[/i][/h3][/color][/b][/center] [center][h3]Location: Hoffand Park[/h3][/center] [hr] Anastasia kept quiet as the woman beside her spoke to [color=lightgray]"Mr. Lucidius"[/color], still waiting if they were going to be killed. It didn't seem to be happening soon, Victoria probably distracting him with her words and making him hesitate. Wasn't he supposed to be a hunter, a mercenary of sorts, and kill them off quickly to move on to the next mission? She felt uncomfortable whenever she felt the pair's eyes look towards her, knowing that they were looking towards her direction, even when she was frozen in the same position. The most movement that came from her was the shaky attempt of breathing rise and fall from her chest. Her eyes didn't want to blink. It was to make sure that she witnessed everything with her own two eyes before dying - if she did. The blonde twitched her fingers when she felt the muzzle of the gun suddenly switch to her left temple. Almost simultaneously, a clicking sound that must have been a blade popped out before her. He was going to kill both of them off if Victoria didn't act quickly. Fortunately she kept speaking, even though it could have been both of their death sentences. But the woman seemed to have gotten [color=lightgray]"Mr. Lucidius"[/color]'s attention. To be honest, that [i]was[/i] a little embarrassing. A mercenary not meeting their mission of killing their victim. It was just as bad as a predator having pity on their prey. Anastasia couldn't help let out a snort from holding back her laugh to keep serious. [color=8493ca][i]Us?[/i][/color] She knew. Well, of course she knew. It wasn't a surprise if Victoria already knew the man with them. But it didn't make her relax, especially with the feeling of eyes moving back onto her happening again. [color=8493ca][i]Where the Pale Man dresses? Where's that?[/i][/color] [color=lightgray]"Mr. Lucidius"[/color] must have knew where that was if Victoria was telling him the direction. Before Anastasia could try saying something to reject being useful, she saw Victoria's appearance shatter to pieces to be carried away in the wind. Illusion magic? Possibly. But that definitely wasn't something she should be questioning right now. It was positive they were going to be hunted now. Her thoughts were interrupted by the man grabbing her arm, making her bolt her head up towards him. [color=8493ca][i]Are you saying there's an option of staying, even though I'm not going to choose it?[/i][/color] she thought while giving her another pair of squinting eyes. Anastasia sighed as he was already running off towards the park barrier. Might as well follow him if he knew the destination they had to go to. She got up and hopped the bench, following after the mercenary. Or, [i]former[/i] mercenary. Ana caught up easily but kept herself blended in the darkness. Wait, wouldn't that be difficult for her? Blonde hair, pale to olive skin, bright blue jacket... No, she had other ways to blend in. Her footsteps could be heard near [color=lightgray]"Mr. Lucidius"[/color], but her appearance seemed to have just... disappeared. Anastasia didn't say anything about it. The first thing she wanted to ask quietly came out of her mouth. [color=8493ca]"What's your first name?"[/color] It was a dumb question but it was the automatic thing that came to mind. However, to him, it was more of the air speaking to him than the blonde.