[quote=@Stitches] I was under the impression her tongue was cut out or she's too banged up to really coherently, but I'll take your word for it. Where'd Joel get his knife from? I thought they were disarmed at the entrance of the casino, or are we not doing this in the RP? [/quote] They're at Mancini's apartment complex, not a casino. Unless I missed something and Mancini's apartment is in a casino of course. As for the crappy security, I don't know. Kingfisher said something about him laying off his heavy security in order to better keep secret who he was holding. Maybe the people he kept simply sucked compared to those he fired? Or perhaps a drug addled mind or an ego that made Mancini think himself beyond killing? Or maybe he was just slipping in a time of desperation. He was definitely not in his best state. Joel is pretty good at sneaking but he's a small man. It'd be pretty difficult for him to hide the average sized pistol or kukri on him. He wears most of his weapons openly anyway, the only ones that probably wouldn't be seen are his karambits since they're on the back of his belt in a sheathe like [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/c0/c1/8c/c0c18c547fe9111c21f8e1ac7099403a.jpg]this[/url].