[h2][center][u]Nikolai Luzchezke[/u][/center][/h2] [center] Cafeteria [/center] Nikolai had been so focused on eating that the intrusion into his thoughts by Irina shook him. He stopped midway through shoveling some eggs into his mouth and some fell over with the momentum. He looked over at Irina and flashed a smile, below the table he was brushing eggs off his pants. He was happy to see her, being in the facility he hadnt really warmed up to anyone else but she had seemed good. Of course he'd selectively chosen to ignore the rib kick he'd gotten from her. He stood and picked up his tray with one hand. With a sly smile he walked over to her table and plopped down, he was hoping she'd notice his many bruises. It was certainly something that he enjoyed these bruises, something concerning but he enjoyed them. They were signs of a fight, and that he'd just ignored them. They showed he was hard, a real warrior. Someone to be feared, or at least he hoped so. He couldnt have these people think of him as anything but, he needed to be someone people feared or else he wouldnt make it. If they werent afraid of him he could easily be swept under the rug. He brought himself back from his depressing train of thought as he looked at Irina. "Hello Irina," He said as his weight shook the table, "Stasya, Abel." He nodded at the other two captives and tried to avoid saying anything too jagged around Stasya. She was so fragile, it made Nikolai angry sometimes but sad others. That someone could be so beaten down, to have nothing but that unclear uncertainty that she always seemed to have about her. It unnerved him. "So how is all you mornings?" Nikolai said his English again lacking something.