[@Duthguy][@December] Lothar looked at the fish. Catching them seemed pretty difficult, but it was something that had to be done. He noticed how Steg used some of the fur to attach a sizable rock to a stick and make a crude, but efficient club. He looked at the horn and his walking stick, and immediately followed Steg's lead in order to make a crude spear. Now he could try spear fishing, but the question was how to get the fish close enough to the edges of the stream or the lake. They didn't really have bait to try and lure them, but they could try to dig to find some worms and other bugs. One was was to use bait to draw them in before spearing them. Alternatively, they could try and hold the bait in their hands and wait for the fish to come by their hands before trying to catch them by hand. Also, it seemed like the fish avoided areas where even the lightest leaf dropped at. This gave Lothar an idea. What if they threw rocks towards the middle of the lake to draw the fish to the outer edges of the river then try to spear them or catch them? He looked towards to other two and said "I've got a few ideas right now." as he then proceeded to explain his ideas.