[@Dark Light][@Alisdragon911] Silence was not what the shade wanted, his violent intent only half rivaled his fury at not receiving what was demanded. He wasn't prepared for the amount of fear this little girl was capable of exuding however and was almost taken aback in his actions before realizing he had almost forgotten how good it felt to have such power over such a weak and pitiful being. Inching his teeth closer to her face he was about to ask the question again before feeling eyes on him. He turned around, the tendrils coiled around the little girl lifting her several feet above the ground as he wasn't about to let her escape him just yet. He looked towards a freckle-faced woman [@Redcovey] his green eyes frowning. He wrapped his claws around the little girl as he reached and grabbed her, ignoring the stench of her pathetic little accident from earlier. He held her forward as if presenting something he found. A long green tongue lolled out between his teeth in a mock open-mouthed grin. [color=ed1c24]"YOU WANT THIS?"[/color]