[center][color=A9A9A9] [h3] Lomen [/h3] [/color][/center] [@Jangel13] [hr] It had been an interesting past two days, filled with questions. Who am I? What am I? Why am I here? Where is here? The usual questions of existence. Although a few had been answered with a first look. His name was Lomen and he was a goblin. That was all that was gained from his first short look at life. It was an interesting existence. The last thing he remembered was a large push, a growing light, then nothing. In this life he decided that he would not go out as a nameless individual and used his second day to get used to his body. A bit more bony than the other goblins around him, he found his skin was also a slight off color. After watching some of the other goblins leave, Lomen decided to attempt a hunt. It would be a bit dangerous so on the way, he first looked for a branch that could be used as a suitable club or sword and a possibly piece of wood to use as a suitable shield. Rope would be nice, but anything that could help would suffice. Either way, Lomen went out with the conviction that he would come back alive.