[center][h1][color=a187be]Amiartys Internelli[/color][/h1][/center] [center][color=a187be][i][h3]"Sometimes by losing a battle will you find a new way to win a war."[/h3][/i][/color][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ea/51/2a/ea512a42ddb056d8790623d4820ee1f2.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][b][u][color=a187be]Basic Information[/color][/u][/b][/h3][/center] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Amiarys Internelli [b][u]Title/Occupation:[/u][/b] Noted Warrior dubbed "Sword of the North", Mercenary Company Founder of the Northern Swordsmen, retired adventure, farmer. [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] Around 127 years old. [b][u]Place of Birth:[/u][/b] Empire of Tyrhenia, in modern day Calabria. [center][h3][b][u][color=a187be]Occupational Information[/color][/u][/b][/h3][/center] [b][u]Mercenary Company Name:[/u][/b] the Northern Swordsmen [b][u]Members:[/u][/b] 22 [b][u]Detailed Description of Members:[/u][/b] All members of this group are specialized swordsmen and are proficiently trained in Archery, Calvary, and Unarmed Conflict as that is the core prerequisites to joining. [center][h3][b][u][color=a187be]Biography and Physical Appearance[/color][/u][/b][/h3][/center] [b][u]Physical Appearance Description:[/u][/b] [i] It is by no doubt that Amiartys is a handsome man as he consists of ancient Italian features. He has a board face consisting of sharp facial features to compliment his vampiric appearance along with having light pale skin. He has long, messy hair that flows own from his face that turned grey when he was in his thirties. He is a thin, though well-built man of average height. [/i] [b][u]Short Biography:[/u][/b] [i] Amiartys was born in what was once known as Calabria, Italy, born to a young, beautiful mother and drunken, absent, hundred-year-old father and was also the youngest of five children. His entire youth was spent being primarily raised by his nurturing mother and strong-willed brother, Emeraccho, who led the household in his father's absence. Or, at least believed himself to be. This isn't to say that the father, Bellrys Internelli, was not absent in the household out of choice. Rather, he was a travelling business man, often visiting the ports miles from home and returning to count his gatherings before drinking his troubles away. For he was a Internelli and thus an inherited businessman while at the same time - the epitome and living embodiment of what many considered an Internelli: he was intelligent yet indolent, avoidant yet cautious when need be, humble yet never admitting to defeat. One defeat, most notably, was the most devastating blow he had ever taken which is one main inclusive reason to why Bellrys began to drink to start with. Though he was not born of an illustrious, or even lower born noble family, the Internelli family was quite well-to-do being neither wealthy, nor part of the lower-serfdom. The family had been, for hundreds of years, brought up into fine residential households and had possessed a handful intelligent and educated members of the household name. Some may say that this would bring up a breed of spoiled children, though despite this, Marae was a discipline yet gentle woman who would easily bring her children to calming consolation and kick the behind of her sons by tip of a boot if need be. It is reasonable that he grew to be 'correct' as many of people of the town would call the children of the Internelli family. Their father would often come home, ready to be greeted happily by his children as reassured by the mother of the household and lecture them on the importance of running a business which Amiartys would grow to despise. A commodore of the Empire of Tyrhenia had inherited by fortune, a flood of incoming revenue due to the port he owned just years before it had become a main fishing port and tourist attraction though it not had originally been his own land. For the land once belonged to Bellrys the businessman of the Internelli family, who sought to sell the land due to a loss of income and what he considered to be a 'useless land', not realizing the man was standing on top of the soon-to-be-built port of a large, enriching coast of the infamous attraction. As he grew into a 'man', which he considered to be a age 15, Amiartys left home to live on his own and considered himself a loathsome burden to his family. Insisting to stay, his mother persuaded him to stay around the area he grew up in and became a recruit in the infamous, yet smaller version of the mercenary company known as 'The Men of the Scarlet Coats' which was just a few ten miles from where he was born. It was there that he would abstain from his predisposed and unwanted succession into business by his father and become a soldier to fight the Emperor's wars for money. Though he did not wish to participate in his father's business, he did vow to never miss and opportunity the same way his father once did. Over the course only three years, Amiartys was often sent with his colleagues to ward off the many hordes of opportunistic raiders living in the North of Nocturne where he was later established in a larger Scarlet Coat hang-out based there. Often writing and sometimes visiting home, Amiartys honed his skills as a notable warrior. To make a rather long story short, Amiartys would later jump from one guild or mercenary company to the next, often making his fortunes in the killing of anyone on the condition of meeting a certain price for their heads. Although fighting for years, Amiartys's infamous career did not begin until he was about 80 years old where he then would become known as the "Sword of the North" as dubbed by the nobles of Nocturne and around the known world. He was involved in many battles and wars, particularly against raiders who antagonized him as their arch nemesis and was recently involved with the siege of Prague in which he served as one of the leaders in that battle. He is not the best swordsman in the world, though he has the skills sufficient enough to earn him his name. He is a brilliant strategist and tactician who is fully capable of leading men into a successful battle while standing his own ground. In the years following the siege of Prague, Amiartys established his own small mercenary company known as the Northern Swordsmen. [/i]