[center][b][color=8493ca][h3][i]Anastasia Hashiga[/i][/h3][/color][/b][/center] [center][h3]Location: City Streets[/h3][/center] [hr] The lone blonde didn't go out often, barely knowing anywhere else other than the motel area leading on to the park. She wanted to look at all of the details when passing the new places, but she couldn't. Anastasia had to keep up with Kyle as they quickly ran away from the park. The man must be trying to get as much distance as possible in a little amount of time. She already knew there were organizations grouped up to go after the Touched. But how would they already know was the question she had in mind. Cameras? Sensors? Detectors? Ana didn't know, but anything was possible at this point. They just had to choose the right path to take. Occasionally Anastasia would try getting a better look at the man. He seemed a bit older than her, definitely, but only just got his abilities now. She got hers a bit while ago and managed to control the basics. After all, she running behind [color=lightgray]"Mr. Lucidius"[/color] completely invisible. For all she knew, he didn't even remember Anastasia was supposed to be there with him. It didn't matter now. She slowed herself down beside the mercenary, casually standing beside him when he pressed up against the wall. Anastasia was lucky, having to turn invisible and all, then she remembered: If they already knew [color=lightgray]"Mr. Lucidius"[/color] was developing his powers, then they might be able to sense her as well. This made her bolt next to him against the wall, keeping close to him as he looked around the corner. Her cold presence could easily be felt but not seen. What did Victoria say again? [color=lightgreen]"Go to where the Pale Man dresses and we shall discuss more."[/color] That was it. [color=lightgray]"Mr. Lucidius"[/color] must be thinking of where to go at that very moment. Just as she thought about his next move, he ran across the street to some sort of clothing store. [hr] [center][h3]Location: Pale Dress Clothing Store[/h3][/center] Just as they were crossing the street, Anastasia heard a shot from the distance. She winced as her fingers twitched. They froze over almost immediately. If she wasn't invisible a thin layer of frost could be seen along her fingers. One of the easiest ways to tell she was anxious. Who did they shoot? The only other person there was- Right, of course. He had it coming anyway. Poor guy. The thought of the blood running across the park grounds only made her run across faster. She quickly caught her breath after all that running, and when Anastasia turned back to the locked door- it was already open? The man with her must have opened it while she was distracted. She quickly got inside as told then reappeared in front of him again. She had her hands up against the top of her stomach in a prayer pose, her fingers quivering with the frost on top. It was melting slowly but surely as she looked around. Kyle. Kyle Lucidius, she put together. [color=8493ca]"Anastasia,"[/color] the blonde would respond in a whisper while looking around the shop. When going near the front window, she suddenly appeared out of sight again. A pair of Harbinger gloves disappeared from a rack. And you'd think she'd wear gloves to [i]cover[/i] her fingers. A brown leather jacket disappeared off. Black shades, gone. As Kyle searched around, Anastasia appeared next to him again. She was switched around with the clothes she chose. She looked completely different, which was perfect. Her previous jacket was across one of her arms as her hands fiddled around with the gloves. Close, open, close open. Whenever her hands opened, her fingers would freeze over. Whenever they closed, the frost quickly went away. She seemed unaffected by the cold. Ana did that with her hands while she watched Kyle look for- whatever he was looking for.