[@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Amithea][@DriveEMOut] Claudia rose an eyebrow suggestively at the whip, a daring smirk curling her lips, not to mention a slight blushing of her cheeks. She couldn't help but laugh at the man's mention of Jackie boy having some...[i]interesting hobbies.[/i] [color=ed145b]~"Oh really now?"~[/color] A playful smirk, she took the lash from the man, twirling it about while sauntering up to the young detective. [color=ed145b]~"Hehe, I wonder what other naughty little toys are in that bag of yours, you cheeky thing."~ <3[/color] Teasing, she gave a light slap of the whip on his rump before setting it down and turning to the others. [color=ed145b]~"Well now, glad to see you three were having fun. I was getting lonely in that bath all by myself."~[/color] Claudia feigned a pouting lip before smirking, mainly towards the girl. [color=ed145b]~"Maybe next time, one of you wouldn't mind keeping me [i]company[/i]"~[/color] A suggestive wink added. [color=ed145b]~"Now then, would anyone care to tell me the [i]real[/i] reason you're all up in arms?"~[/color]