[center][i][h1][color=mediumpurple]Elise[/color] & [color=darkgoldenrod]Vladimir[/color][/h1][/i][/center] Elise was a lot more conversant and showed a little bit more emotions ever since their encounter with the shady man. She also seemed a little bit more stable than before. [color=mediumpurple]"That shady man... what was his purpose for helping us? To ensure our successful arrival in the Wastelands? Why? What are we gonna find there? An ambush maybe? A violent death for each of us?"[/color] Vladimir shook his head. [color=darkgoldenrod]"That doesn't make any sense. We were surrounded, some even close to death. Had one of us died, all of us would have followed. Why wait for us to get to the Wasteland? There must be some other reason."[/color] [color=mediumpurple]"Good point. Did you notice how he didn't seem to tire or drain himself even if he casted such a complex spell?"[/color] Elise asked, looking thoughtful. Vladimir nodded. Normally, he wouldn't have noticed it since he wasn't a mage himself. But spending time with Elise made him a little bit more aware of those with magical affinity as her. [color=darkgoldenrod]"I suppose that all our questions will be answered when we get to our destination."[/color] [hr][hr][center][@Venku] [@Shadow Daedalus] [@Caits] [@dabombjk] [@Wick] [@Gareth] [@King Tai] [@BlackPanther] [@canaryrose] [@DustyOldCrow] [@Ashevelendar] [/center]