[img]http://i.imgur.com/32yth8r.jpg[/img] [color=9e0b0f][u]Name:[/u][/color] Rasmus Arvanitis [u][color=9e0b0f]Age:[/color][/u] 46 [color=9e0b0f][u]Personality:[/u][/color] Rasmus, being the figurehead of his tribe, shows the true meaning of what it is to be part of the Sons. He remains stoic, believing emotions cloud the mind from making rational decisions. He holds fast against adversity, often leading the charge of battle, believing a leader should never cower behind walls. His aims to bring his tribe to greatness, and to cement their name in the pages of history. He hopes to one day carve out part of the wasteland where his tribe can settle and prosper once more. He allows himself to be influenced from the outside world, hoping to garner inspiration, knowledge and much more. He allows himself to be open-minded but not to forget the bigger picture. Behind closed doors, Rasmus doubts himself. He feels as though he has betrayed his tribe into walking a darker path with him. Which he believes will take them away from their way of life. Because of this, he has become more detached, hoping to deprive his feelings for his tribes, in case something were to happen. [u][color=9e0b0f]Faction:[/color][/u] The New Legion: Sons of Spártī (working title) [u][color=9e0b0f]S.P.E.C.I.A.L:[/color][/u] Strength: 8 Perception: 5 Endurance: 6 Charisma: 7 Intelligence: 7 Agility: 7 Luck: 5 [color=9e0b0f][u]Backstory:[/u][/color] Rasmus Arvanitis was born in the tribe appropriately called Sons of Spártī, whom were replicated after the Greek city-state known as Sparta. It's upbringing was similar as to that of the Legion. The tribe was located in the state of Arizona, Legion territory. A man who called himself Lacedaemon had found several books about Sparta and it's way of life and had brought that history back to life into his tribe. Lacedaemon, is also known as Rasmus' father. Lacedaemon trained his son separately from the other children, hoping to bring forth a great leader of his young son. Rasmus was pushed to his limits throughout his childhood, both psychically and mentally. Lacedaemon no longer saw a son, but a weapon he could forge. The boy often was beaten for making mistakes or for no reason at all. There was no mother. Rasmus lost his mother when he was but a baby and remains to have no memory of her, but is often told he has vast similarities of her. Rumors claim that his mother was from another tribe and after the birth of Rasmus, was murdered to cover Rasmus' illegitimacy. Many years later, the Legion was growing rapidly, subjugating neighboring tribes. The Sons' settlement was off the Colorado river and was in the way of what is now known as 'Fortification Hill'. The Legion, knowing the simplest way was through the Sons. A centuriae was sent to annihilate the Sons' completely. The Sons held fast against the Legion troops, using their environment to tunnel them in and kill them one at a time. Days after, Lacedaemon received a message from one of the Legion troops who had failed prior, whom shortly died before Lacedaemon from the injuries that he was given for failure. The message was clear, the Sons would surrender and pledge themselves before Caesar or be shown the true might of the Legion. Lacedaemon chose the latter, believing that only someone of the tribe should have control of the Sons'. Both the tribe and the Legion came at full force. The tribe consisted of a few hundred, while the Legion came in the thousands. During the battle, Lacedaemon was slain, and so were many of the Spártī. Caesar, being as ever merciful as he was ruthless, gave the remaining Sons' a refined offer: In recognition of their courage and skill in battle, the Sons of Spártī would be spared. Rising to the occasion, Rasmus did what his father could not, guarantee the survival of the Sons. Rasmus and his tribe pledged themselves before Caesar and given themselves to his Legion. Serving the Legion, the Sons of Spártī and Rasmus had proven themselves to be capable warriors and had ascended to be an elite force that rivaled the NCR's Rangers. After assimilating with the Legion, the Sons had acquired knowledge of firearms and were quite capable in their use, but they mainly fore-goed the usage of firearms in preference of their traditional melee combat. The Sons and Rasmus remain of the Hill with Caesar and his legion. They await to act out under his will, in hopes to due battle with the NCR and to go toe-to-toe with their unproclaimed rivals, The Rangers. [u][color=9e0b0f]Weapon choice:[/color][/u] [list] [*]Xiphos, a crudely constructed sword modeled after the ancient Spartans. [*]9mm pistol [/list] [u][color=9e0b0f]Perks:[/color][/u] [list] [*] Stonewall! [*] Piercing Strike [*] Terrifying Presence [/list] [u][color=9e0b0f]'Tagged' Skills:[/color][/u] [list] [*] Melee [*] Speech [*] Survival [/list] [u][color=9e0b0f]'Weak' Skills:[/color][/u] [list] [*] Guns [/list]