George made a sighing sound. With his free hand he deflected the spear thruster at him into the wall. He spoke a language not yet created. "Just great I ended up on Thanagar, frelling bird people." He accessed his internal harddrive for the language database. Filtering his voice modulator through the Thanagarian language database allowed him to speak to the bird man. "Hello Thanagarian. I am sorry for intruding on Thanagar. This infernal contraption is...." He stopped to judge the damage. "was pretty much jury rigged, I had no control of when and where it landed. It was supposed to take me to Earth's past, had no clue that it could take me to another planet. Is there a ship that is heading to Earth anytime soon or is this before the Thanagarian-Terran Alliance?" He stopped for a second. "Or is it the Terran-Thanagarian Alliance?" He placed his pistol back in his left leg. He Stepped back from the wall to allow the bird man to free his weapon. He waited for a reply. He just hoped it wasn't after the alliance had failed. That was the longest, bloodiest intergalactic war in history. It was basically the intergalactic version of the World Wars if it wasn't for that war Earth may have stood a chance against the unknown alien invaders.